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3 Local government(1). Income, expenditure and saving. Million kroner
  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007* 2008*
Output, producers price 217 550 183 192 194 497 200 893 208 121 219 228 237 765 260 774
Intermediate consumption 52 727 44 946 49 349 52 015 52 569 54 936 59 938 64 454
Value added, gross 164 823 138 246 145 148 148 878 155 552 164 292 177 827 196 320
Consumption of fixed capital 16 651 14 834 15 257 16 507 17 573 18 920 20 908 23 206
Compensation of employees 144 772 120 083 127 073 131 000 136 906 144 713 156 064 171 925
Taxes on production and imports 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Operating surplus 3 395 3 325 2 814 1 367 1 069 655 851 1 185
Allocation of primary income                
Resources 22 881 21 687 23 626 21 764 21 803 22 092 25 297 24 599
Operating surplus 3 395 3 325 2 814 1 367 1 069 655 851 1 185
Taxes on production and imports 4 879 5 022 5 275 5 645 6 580 7 048 7 794 8 088
Property income 12 719 10 556 11 112 10 454 10 798 12 809 14 790 12 965
Interest 6 251 7 208 6 446 4 466 4 936 5 666 6 652 6 163
Dividends, etc 6 468 3 348 4 666 5 988 5 862 7 143 8 138 6 802
Uses 14 443 15 649 15 338 13 963 14 611 16 378 20 522 21 715
Subsidies 5 172 6 102 6 904 7 093 7 853 8 873 9 298 9 632
Property income 9 271 9 547 8 434 6 870 6 758 7 505 11 224 12 083
Interest 9 271 9 547 8 434 6 870 6 758 7 505 11 224 12 083
Financial intermediation serv. indirectly measured 1 888 2 784 4 425 4 298 3 356 1 580 1 862 2 361
Balance of primary income 8 438 6 038 8 288 7 801 7 192 5 714 4 775 2 884
Secondary distribution of income                
Resources 214 377 187 452 186 124 194 000 208 456 223 378 235 933 247 229
Balance of primary income 8 438 6 038 8 288 7 801 7 192 5 714 4 775 2 884
Current tax on income and wealth 103 204 80 918 94 110 97 853 106 471 112 979 116 659 120 621
Imputed social contributions 886 - - - - - - -
Current transfers within general government 98 947 97 540 80 953 85 309 91 366 101 178 110 183 119 517
Other current transfers 2 902 2 956 2 773 3 037 3 427 3 507 4 316 4 207
Uses 21 299 17 897 19 316 17 830 17 526 18 382 20 061 20 376
Social benefits 7 698 7 735 8 074 8 352 7 584 7 859 7 935 7 944
Unfunded social benefits 886 - - - - - - -
Current transfers within general government 4 371 3 008 3 672 3 574 3 580 3 692 4 400 4 137
Current transfers to NPISH 8 344 7 154 7 570 5 904 6 362 6 831 7 726 8 295
Other current transfers - - - - - - - -
Disposable income 193 078 169 555 166 808 176 170 190 930 204 996 215 872 226 853
Use of disposable income                
Disposable income 193 078 169 555 166 808 176 170 190 930 204 996 215 872 226 853
Local government final consumption 193 703 159 499 170 398 175 933 183 488 196 407 214 271 236 790
Saving -625 10 056 -3 590 237 7 442 8 589 1 601 -9 937
Redistribution of income in kind                
Disposable income 193 078 169 555 166 808 176 170 190 930 204 996 215 872 226 853
Social transfers in kind, individual consumption 159 034 125 566 135 161 139 766 122 779 159 784 173 558 190 208
Adjusted disposable income 34 044 43 989 31 647 36 404 68 151 45 212 42 314 36 645
Use of adjusted disposable income                
Adjusted disposable income 34 044 43 989 31 647 36 404 68 151 45 212 42 314 36 645
Local government collective consumption 34 669 33 933 35 237 36 167 60 709 36 623 40 713 46 582
Saving -625 10 056 -3 590 237 7 442 8 589 1 601 -9 937
Capital account                
Saving -625 10 056 -3 590 237 7 442 8 589 1 601 -9 937
Capital transfers, net -1 108 -853 -1 046 -1 175 -921 -669 -778 -673
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets 9 022 8 299 11 302 9 513 6 885 9 260 13 133 14 792
Gross fixed capital formation 27 042 24 503 27 342 27 540 26 196 29 825 35 529 39 124
Consumption of fixed capital 16 651 14 834 15 257 16 507 17 573 18 920 20 908 23 206
Net aqcuisitions of non-produced non-financial assets -1 369 -1 370 -783 -1 520 -1 738 -1 645 -1 488 -1 126
Net lending -10 755 904 -15 938 -10 451 -364 -1 340 -12 310 -25 402