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2 Central government(1). Income, expenditure and saving. Million kroner
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 2009* 2010*
Output, producers price 176 013 185 685 192 057 205 062 222 525 241 127 260 354 265 612
Intermediate consumption 66 901 70 055 70 643 74 698 79 585 86 255 95 537 98 196
Value added, gross 109 112 115 630 121 414 130 364 142 940 154 872 164 817 167 416
Consumption of fixed capital 15 097 15 869 16 557 17 855 19 732 21 759 22 965 19 745
Compensation of employees 94 010 99 756 104 852 112 504 123 203 133 109 141 847 147 666
Taxes on production and imports 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5
Operating surplus - - - - - - - -
Allocation of primary income                
Resources 340 893 376 081 422 174 503 892 535 234 611 803 539 845 548 593
Operating surplus - - - - - - - -
Taxes on production and imports 202 158 217 414 231 677 258 054 279 604 276 002 276 190 294 075
Taxes on production 70 181 75 209 76 910 84 203 88 879 88 808 87 742 90 544
Taxes and duties on imports excl. VAT 1 554 1 572 1 629 1 785 2 020 2 352 2 237 2 349
Value added and Investment taxes 130 423 140 633 153 138 172 066 188 705 184 842 186 211 201 182
Property income 138 077 158 004 190 271 245 427 255 205 335 262 263 011 253 853
Interest 52 216 54 220 56 359 74 949 90 138 107 057 86 672 82 464
Dividends, etc 85 861 103 784 133 912 170 478 165 067 228 205 176 339 171 389
Uses 52 045 49 067 48 980 57 318 51 859 57 807 63 317 61 359
Subsidies 31 686 31 385 32 280 31 718 33 281 36 475 39 832 39 112
Property income 20 359 17 682 16 700 25 600 18 578 21 332 23 485 22 247
Financial intermediation serv. indirectly measured 658 663 226 411 425 539 644 665
Balance of primary income 288 848 327 014 373 194 446 574 483 375 553 996 476 528 487 234
Secondary distribution of income                
Resources 866 822 982 594 1 188 053 1 436 660 1 510 730 1 780 614 1 362 107 1 422 729
Balance of primary income 288 848 327 014 373 194 446 574 483 375 553 996 476 528 487 234
Employees, social contributions 62 553 65 529 69 051 73 957 81 068 88 336 91 059 94 746
Employers, social contributions 93 604 98 840 104 795 115 267 125 902 138 539 143 239 149 106
Current taxes on income and wealth, oil activities 97 160 131 990 185 349 219 679 191 991 253 582 149 000 175 000
Current taxes on income and wealth, other 118 048 136 312 141 769 161 292 190 492 197 831 180 598 203 949
Current trasfers within general government 199 973 218 659 309 006 414 909 432 743 543 286 315 885 306 354
Current transfers from public enteprises - - - - - - - -
Current transfers from the Cenral Bank - - - - - - - -
Other current transfers 6 636 4 250 4 889 4 982 5 159 5 044 5 798 6 340
Uses 540 369 574 325 680 349 805 876 848 013 991 201 814 101 837 454
Pensions 91 454 96 538 102 170 107 957 115 756 125 150 133 318 142 501
Pensions for disabled people 43 555 46 489 49 594 53 348 54 491 58 773 62 651 57 824
Sickness benefits 37 371 35 851 33 716 36 601 38 656 43 227 49 577 48 763
Unemployment benefits 11 803 11 325 9 782 6 275 4 481 4 701 10 428 12 662
Other social benefits 54 827 56 125 55 907 54 846 57 064 58 004 60 946 73 083
Current transfers within general government 277 254 300 394 396 792 512 395 538 502 658 899 449 996 451 262
Current transfers to abroad 13 308 13 500 16 115 17 571 21 277 23 054 26 301 28 894
Current transfers to NPISH 9 407 12 625 14 920 15 594 16 418 17 646 19 132 20 601
Other current transfers 1 390 1 478 1 353 1 289 1 368 1 747 1 752 1 864
Disposable income 326 453 408 269 507 704 630 784 662 717 789 413 548 006 585 275
Use of disposable income                
Disposable income 326 453 408 269 507 704 630 784 662 717 789 413 548 006 585 275
Central government final consumption 188 298 197 361 203 699 216 550 232 901 254 001 275 662 280 531
Saving 138 155 210 908 304 005 414 234 429 816 535 412 272 344 304 744
Redistribution of income in kind                
Disposable income 326 453 408 269 507 704 630 784 662 717 789 413 548 006 585 275
Social transfers in kind, individual consumption 91 225 98 340 105 137 111 113 118 200 134 930 153 287 156 335
Adjusted disposable income 235 228 309 929 402 567 519 671 544 517 654 483 394 719 428 940
Use of adjusted disposable income                
Adjusted disposable income 235 228 309 929 402 567 519 671 544 517 654 483 394 719 428 940
Central government collective consumption 97 073 99 021 98 562 105 437 114 701 119 071 122 375 124 196
Saving 138 155 210 908 304 005 414 234 429 816 535 412 272 344 304 744
Capital account                
Saving 138 155 210 908 304 005 414 234 429 816 535 412 272 344 304 744
Capital transfers, net -1 278 -161 -935 -871 547 -969 110 -78
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets 4 662 6 152 9 109 12 905 15 052 18 007 17 091 10 732
Gross fixed capital formation 20 183 23 107 26 780 31 631 35 380 40 019 42 291 31 728
Consumption of fixed capital 15 097 15 869 16 557 17 855 19 732 21 759 22 965 19 745
Net aqcuisitions of non-produced non-financial assets -424 -1 086 -1 114 -871 -596 -253 -2 235 -1 251
Net lending 132 215 204 595 293 961 400 458 415 311 516 436 255 363 293 934