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3 Local government(1). Income, expenditure and saving. Million kroner
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 2009* 2010*
Output, producers price 194 497 200 893 208 121 219 228 237 289 261 931 281 296 302 420
Intermediate consumption 49 349 52 015 52 569 54 936 59 463 65 465 70 513 76 191
Value added, gross 145 148 148 878 155 552 164 292 177 826 196 466 210 783 226 229
Consumption of fixed capital 15 257 16 507 17 573 18 920 20 941 23 691 24 929 30 581
Compensation of employees 127 073 131 000 136 906 144 713 156 100 172 404 185 630 195 649
Taxes on production and imports 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
Operating surplus 2 814 1 367 1 069 655 781 366 220 -5
Allocation of primary income                
Resources 23 626 21 764 21 803 22 092 25 318 25 569 22 791 23 537
Operating surplus 2 814 1 367 1 069 655 781 366 220 -5
Taxes on production and imports 5 275 5 645 6 580 7 048 7 788 8 416 8 541 9 276
Property income 11 112 10 454 10 798 12 809 15 280 14 925 11 804 11 963
Interest 6 446 4 466 4 936 5 666 6 658 7 522 5 250 4 328
Dividends, etc 4 666 5 988 5 862 7 143 8 622 7 403 6 554 7 635
Uses 15 338 13 963 14 611 16 378 20 523 26 500 21 579 23 552
Subsidies 6 904 7 093 7 853 8 873 9 298 10 505 11 072 12 909
Property income 8 434 6 870 6 758 7 505 11 225 15 995 10 507 10 643
Interest 8 434 6 870 6 758 7 505 11 225 15 995 10 507 10 643
Financial intermediation serv. indirectly measured 4 425 4 298 3 356 1 580 1 469 1 862 2 226 2 303
Balance of primary income 8 288 7 801 7 192 5 714 4 795 -931 1 212 -15
Secondary distribution of income                
Resources 186 124 194 000 208 456 223 378 235 976 243 416 277 552 292 609
Balance of primary income 8 288 7 801 7 192 5 714 4 795 -931 1 212 -15
Current tax on income and wealth 94 110 97 853 106 471 112 979 116 630 119 826 132 855 137 772
Imputed social contributions - - - - - - - -
Current transfers within general government 80 953 85 309 91 366 101 178 110 231 120 231 139 280 150 238
Other current transfers 2 773 3 037 3 427 3 507 4 320 4 290 4 205 4 614
Uses 19 316 17 830 17 526 18 382 20 645 21 506 24 490 25 032
Social benefits 8 074 8 352 7 584 7 859 7 891 8 445 9 582 10 323
Unfunded social benefits - - - - - - - -
Current transfers within general government 3 672 3 574 3 580 3 692 4 472 4 618 5 169 5 330
Current transfers to NPISH 7 570 5 904 6 362 6 831 8 282 8 443 9 739 9 379
Other current transfers - - - - - - - -
Disposable income 166 808 176 170 190 930 204 996 215 331 221 910 253 062 267 577
Use of disposable income                
Disposable income 166 808 176 170 190 930 204 996 215 331 221 910 253 062 267 577
Local government final consumption 170 398 175 933 183 488 196 407 213 646 237 854 257 413 277 784
Saving -3 590 237 7 442 8 589 1 685 -15 944 -4 351 -10 207
Redistribution of income in kind                
Disposable income 166 808 176 170 190 930 204 996 215 331 221 910 253 062 267 577
Social transfers in kind, individual consumption 135 161 139 766 147 882 159 775 172 770 192 302 207 553 220 342
Adjusted disposable income 31 647 36 404 43 048 45 221 42 561 29 608 45 509 47 235
Use of adjusted disposable income                
Adjusted disposable income 31 647 36 404 43 048 45 221 42 561 29 608 45 509 47 235
Local government collective consumption 35 237 36 167 35 606 36 632 40 876 45 552 49 860 57 442
Saving -3 590 237 7 442 8 589 1 685 -15 944 -4 351 -10 207
Capital account                
Saving -3 590 237 7 442 8 589 1 685 -15 944 -4 351 -10 207
Capital transfers, net -1 046 -1 175 -921 -669 -1 082 -1 169 -723 -760
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets 11 302 9 513 6 885 9 260 13 394 13 990 17 915 17 887
Gross fixed capital formation 27 342 27 540 26 196 29 825 35 869 38 844 43 577 49 493
Consumption of fixed capital 15 257 16 507 17 573 18 920 20 941 23 691 24 929 30 581
Net aqcuisitions of non-produced non-financial assets -783 -1 520 -1 738 -1 645 -1 534 -1 163 -733 -1 025
Net lending -15 938 -10 451 -364 -1 340 -12 791 -31 103 -22 989 -28 854