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4 Financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. Million kroner
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 2009* 2010*
Output, producers price 88 175 101 202 110 581 118 310 139 129 153 100 166 381 175 272
Intermediate consumption 32 407 34 492 42 202 52 766 61 428 67 188 71 902 75 862
Value added, gross 55 768 66 710 68 379 65 544 77 701 85 912 94 479 99 410
Consumption of fixed capital 3 994 3 789 3 542 3 816 4 986 8 131 8 556 8 695
Compensation of employees 24 082 25 844 27 373 29 612 33 391 37 619 36 542 38 863
Taxes on production and imports 199 66 94 36 37 36 38 40
Subsidies 1 764 2 081 2 083 2 186 2 409 2 578 3 152 3 519
Operating surplus 29 257 39 092 39 453 34 266 41 696 42 704 52 495 55 331
Allocation of primary income                
Resources 158 981 138 196 152 711 193 836 271 088 330 442 229 212 235 280
Operating surplus 29 257 39 092 39 453 34 266 41 696 42 704 52 495 55 331
Property income 170 985 145 339 158 813 203 660 275 308 345 953 246 529 251 898
Interest 162 272 135 769 147 191 189 539 251 829 325 183 236 788 241 965
Dividends, etc 8 161 9 078 11 214 13 773 24 283 25 894 14 753 14 945
Reinvested earnings 552 492 408 348 -804 -5 124 -5 012 -5 012
Uses 140 400 108 284 126 666 172 422 229 369 294 987 177 337 190 004
Property income 140 400 108 284 126 666 172 422 229 369 294 987 177 337 190 004
Interest 100 759 70 711 80 577 118 324 168 820 233 566 133 346 139 304
Dividends, etc 39 017 36 709 42 505 49 822 55 725 56 997 39 603 46 312
Reinvested earnings 624 864 3 584 4 276 4 824 4 424 4 388 4 388
Financial intermediation serv. indirectly measured -41 261 -46 235 -45 555 -44 090 -45 916 -58 215 -69 812 -71 949
Balance of primary income 18 581 29 912 26 045 21 414 41 719 35 455 51 875 45 276
Secondary distribution of income                
Resources 86 338 101 653 94 918 95 857 128 295 130 749 145 504 140 746
Balance of primary income 18 581 29 912 26 045 21 414 41 719 35 455 51 875 45 276
Net non-life insurance premiums 27 279 26 704 28 307 26 518 30 385 35 119 35 225 36 493
Imputed and private funded social contributions 35 159 37 376 38 313 44 562 50 840 59 205 57 636 58 144
Other current transfers 5 319 7 661 2 253 3 363 5 351 970 768 833
Uses 57 964 60 932 58 725 67 238 64 394 67 822 70 152 70 920
Current taxes on income and wealth 2 480 5 513 4 056 9 581 7 373 4 727 3 525 4 849
Non-life insurance claims 27 279 26 704 28 307 26 518 30 385 35 119 35 225 36 493
Unfunded and private funded social benefits 19 883 21 040 22 349 22 849 23 531 25 724 26 057 27 719
Other current transfers 8 322 7 675 4 013 8 290 3 105 2 252 2 554 1 859
Disposal income 28 374 40 721 36 193 28 619 63 901 62 927 75 352 69 826
Use of disposable income                
Disposal income 28 374 40 721 36 193 28 619 63 901 62 927 75 352 69 826
Adjustment, households pension funds 15 276 16 336 15 398 21 713 27 685 33 480 31 597 30 484
Saving 13 098 24 385 20 795 6 906 36 216 29 447 43 755 39 342
Capital account                
Saving 13 098 24 385 20 795 6 906 36 216 29 447 43 755 39 342
Capital transfers, net 448 - - - - - - -
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets -1 353 2 616 238 5 130 3 272 383 -435 -501
Gross fixed capital formation 2 641 6 405 3 780 8 946 8 258 8 514 8 121 8 194
Consumption of fixed capital 3 994 3 789 3 542 3 816 4 986 8 131 8 556 8 695
Net aqcuisitions of non-produced non-financial assets - - - - - - - -
Net lending 14 899 21 769 20 557 1 776 32 944 29 064 44 190 39 843