Statistics Norway

Table of revisions for 2008 and 2009. NOK billion
  2008 2009
      Revision       Revised
Totals for Norway            
Gross national income 2 505.7       2 550.0 -44.3       2 366.7       2 412.4 -45.7
Consuption of fixed capital  335.0  335.8 -0.8  352.1  355.5 -3.4
National income 2 170.7 2 214.2 -43.5 2 014.6 2 056.9 -42.3
Disposable income for Norway 2 149.8 2 192.9 -43.1 1 988.0 2 030.2 -42.2
Savings for Norway  669.1  713.8 -44.6  439.6  483.5 -43.9
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets  220.1  241.0 -20.9  127.8  146.1 -18.3
Net lending  447.9  471.6 -23.7  310.7  336.3 -25.6
Households and NPISHs            
Operating surplus/mixed income  110.9  104.0 6.8  112.5  104.5 7.9
Compensation of employees 1 056.7 1 055.2 1.5 1 089.9 1 094.5 -4.6
Property income 96.7 99.5 -2.8 72.1 72.2 -0.1
Property expenses  169.9  170.2 -0.3  135.1  135.5 -0.5
Social benefits  298.3  298.1 0.2  326.5  326.5 0.0
Current taxes on income and wealth  249.5  249.4 0.1  263.9  265.6 -1.7
Other transfers and insuranse expenses, net 5.0 1.5 3.5 2.8 7.2 -4.4
Disposable income  993.4  990.9 2.4 1 063.9 1 053.6 10.3
Adjustment, households pension funds 33.5 30.3 3.2 31.6 37.9 -6.3
Final consumption expenditure in households and NPISHs  988.8  987.3 1.5 1 015.3 1 013.6 1.7
Saving 38.0 34.0 4.0 80.3 77.9 2.3
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets 53.3 54.1 -0.8 32.0 32.4 -0.4
Net lending -17.3 -22.1 4.8 45.8 43.0 2.8
Savings ratio, per cent 3.8 3.4 0.4 7.5 7.4 0.1

Explanation of symbols