Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
1 Commercial papers issued in Norway1. Nominal value. Million kroner2
Borrowers 2002 2003
Apr May Jun Jan-June Apr May Jun Jan-Jun
Total amount of issues 34 710 23 360 37 717 184 797 16 466 19 755 33 560 153 463
Central government 4 000 - 9 000 31 000 - 4 000 19 500 57 500
Commercial banks 8 414 5 909 8 175 40 816 400 2 758 1 719 13 212
Of this in foreign currency 9 254 219 789 - - 579 1 087
Savings banks 5 730 8 640 7 096 42 057 3 748 5 275 2 585 28 450
Mortgage companies 5 175 1 200 3 942 15 872 2 284 1 149 3 904 14 492
Finance companies 150 325 100 1 125 - - - -
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries - - - - - - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Financial auxilliaries - - - - - - - -
County municipalities 60 - 176 1 165 60 - 274 796
Municipalities 1 203 744 751 4 798 1 470 1 142 1 457 7 320
State enterprises 2 700 1 950 4 200 13 545 1 300 750 800 4 850
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 1 524 1 687 1 855 12 565 1 858 1 735 1 551 9 026
Private companies 5 230 2 105 2 323 19 305 2 926 2 346 1 720 13 657
Rest of the world 525 800 100 2 550 2 420 600 50 4 160

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
2Includes treasury bills (from July 2000) and commercial papers in foreign currency issued by foreigners in Norway.
