Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
3 Bonds issued in Norway1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2002 2003
Jul Aug Sep Jan-September Jul Aug Sep Jan-Sep
Total amount of issues 6 236 7 016 9 620 89 835 2 685 6 334 16 954 102 451
Central government - - 3 000 14 000 - - 5 000 26 000
Commercial banks 1 497 1 856 1 660 18 761 652 678 2 986 12 326
Savings banks 1 098 2 325 2 620 21 202 855 2 695 4 884 29 257
Mortgage companies 2 176 384 1 612 15 565 210 1 998 1 280 8 158
Finance companies - - - 500 - - - -
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries - - - - - - - -
Life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - 77 - - - -
Financial auxilliaries - - - - - - - 19
County municipalities - - - 100 - - 150 1 141
Municipalities - 400 300 1 378 100 - - 3 652
State enterprises 400 450 88 1 538 - - - 3 109
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises - 1 000 - 1 700 - - 500 4 398
Private companies 265 592 75 12 560 158 12 1 034 9 067
Of this in foreign currency 11 - - 3 580 6 - 234 250
Rest of the world 800 9 265 2 454 710 953 1 120 5 324
Of this in foreign currency - 9 - 9 - 7 - 7

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
