Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
4 Domestic bond debts1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2003:1 2003:2 2003:3 2003:4 2004:1
Total amount of debt 494 656 509 443 510 855 520 006 526 734
Central government 139 843 144 841 149 395 152 392 157 946
State lending institutions 194 173 169 148 144
Commercial- and savings banks 147 091 155 451 155 996 156 451 160 618
Mortgage companies 66 842 64 575 62 858 62 866 62 947
Finance companies 500 500 500 500 500
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries 3 060 2 016 2 000 2 000 2 000
Life insurance companies 357 357 239 239 175
Non-life insurance companies 77 77 77 77 77
Financial auxilliaries 700 703 617 619 619
Of this in foreign currency 36 36 - - -
County municipalities 5 880 5 951 5 970 6 179 5 564
Municipalities 20 870 21 169 20 998 23 535 23 391
State enterprises 33 574 34 643 34 028 34 333 31 316
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 21 637 21 868 22 091 22 262 21 339
Of this in foreign currency 316 332 327 337 337
Private companies 39 192 41 646 39 648 40 611 41 342
Of this in foreign currency 2 934 2 947 3 003 2 884 3 027
Rest of the world 14 836 15 471 16 270 17 792 18 756
Of this in foreign currency 56 56 61 - -

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
