Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
3 Bonds issued in Norway1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2003 2004
Apr May Jun Jan-June Apr May Jun Jan-Jun
Total amount of issues 11 388 14 868 7 409 73 630 6 929 13 707 20 371 70 780
Central government - 5 000 - 21 000 - 400 7 600 14 000
Commercial- and savings banks 7 107 4 416 4 537 26 969 3 644 9 661 4 638 32 273
Mortgage companies 786 928 1 309 4 620 929 810 1 464 5 501
Finance companies - - - - - - - -
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries - - - - - - 80 80
Life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Financial auxilliaries - - 3 19 - - - -
County municipalities 150 - 190 990 - - 240 340
Municipalities 231 40 400 3 314 - - - 805
State enterprises 1 709 - - 3 109 - - 4 100 4 600
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 100 - 950 3 825 1 301 250 800 3 426
Private companies 455 4 328 20 7 758 875 1 700 890 6 258
Of this in foreign currency 5 - - 11 6 - - 63
Rest of the world 849 156 - 2 025 181 886 560 3 498

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
