Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
2 Domestic commercial paper debts1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2003:4 2004:1 2004:2 2004:3 2004:4
Total amount of debt 142 047 129 352 138 299 130 132 135 737
Central government 68 013 62 332 66 426 61 226 66 000
Commercial- and savings banks 42 750 38 182 45 952 43 054 41 881
Of this in foreign currency - 1 822 215 43 63
Mortgage companies 5 843 3 260 1 347 997 3 322
Finance companies - - - - 30
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries 19 18 18 18 -
Life insurance companies - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - -
Financial auxilliaries - 110 50 - -
County municipalities 404 574 694 694 654
Municipalities 5 673 5 301 5 254 5 200 4 486
State enterprises 2 850 2 500 2 250 2 225 2 125
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 6 706 8 157 8 881 9 576 9 917
Private companies 6 297 5 197 5 327 4 442 4 522
Of this in foreign currency 27 28 28 - -
Rest of the world 3 493 3 723 2 100 2 700 2 800

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
