Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
3 Bonds issued in Norway1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2004 2005
Jul Aug Sep Jan-September Jul Aug Sep Jan-Sep
Total amount of issues 3 327 4 603 13 108 89 232 8 014 10 176 16 644 108 596
Central government - - 4 000 18 000 - - - 11 500
Commercial- and savings banks 2 106 3 731 4 645 41 501 4 295 7 055 8 989 54 018
Of which in foreign currency .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Mortgage companies 785 257 1 161 7 703 415 1 325 1 296 6 451
Finance companies - - 125 125 - - - 75
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries - - - 80 - 320 1 605 2 425
Life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Financial auxilliaries - - - - - - - -
County municipalities - - - 340 - - - -
Municipalities - - 200 1 005 150 - - 806
State enterprises 300 - 150 4 850 500 - 1 750 4 020
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises - - 920 4 346 - - 910 7 420
Private companies 136 475 883 7 752 2 446 359 1 931 15 387
Of which in foreign currency 6 - - 69 1 256 109 701 4 190
Rest of the world - 140 1 024 3 530 208 1 117 164 6 494
Of which in foreign currency - - - - - - - 213

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
