Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
4 Domestic bond debts1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2005:2 2005:3 2005:4 2006:1 2006:2
Total amount of debt 553 623 570 892 592 979 626 522 657 090
Central government 145 848 145 622 152 622 160 695 172 195
State lending institutions 73 68 47 43 22
Commercial- and savings banks 191 173 202 174 207 840 220 396 217 441
Of which in foreign currency 71 71 72 72 71
Mortgage companies 54 576 57 059 60 520 57 602 58 743
Finance companies 200 200 214 214 214
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries 3 462 5 387 5 643 5 775 6 381
Life insurance companies 175 175 175 175 400
Non-life insurance companies 77 77 77 62 62
Financial auxilliaries 511 11 11 - 100
County municipalities 4 311 4 208 3 449 3 132 3 394
Municipalities 24 185 24 264 22 924 22 145 21 281
State enterprises 30 629 30 548 29 741 32 191 31 955
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises 34 375 33 123 33 233 31 942 30 983
Of which in foreign currency 317 315 319 319 -
Private companies 41 388 44 400 48 172 53 720 62 051
Of which in foreign currency 5 050 6 404 8 117 12 851 16 109
Rest of the world 22 640 23 576 28 308 38 429 51 868
Of which in foreign currency 210 211 1 232 2 064 4 916

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
