Statistics Norway - home page

Bonds and commercial papers
3 Bonds issued in Norway1. Nominal value. Million kroner
Borrowers 2005 2006
Jul Aug Sep Jan-September Jul Aug Sep Jan-Sep
Total amount of issues 8 014 9 966 16 474 108 216 10 523 10 362 17 746 165 172
Central government - - - 11 500 - - 3 000 22 800
Commercial- and savings banks 4 295 6 555 8 989 53 518 3 495 6 149 5 190 50 426
Of which in foreign currency - - - 74 - - - -
Mortgage companies 415 1 115 1 126 6 071 10 600 598 12 737
Finance companies - - - 75 - - 250 250
Other financial corporations excl. financial auxillaries - 320 1 605 2 425 - - - 738
Life insurance companies - - - - - - - 400
Non-life insurance companies - - - - - - - -
Financial auxilliaries - - - - - - - 100
County municipalities - - - - - - 505 958
Municipalities 150 - - 806 300 - 976 2 862
State enterprises 500 - 1 750 4 020 2 800 - - 7 000
Local government enterprises and other municipal enterprises - - 910 7 420 - 375 108 2 283
Private companies 2 446 359 1 931 15 387 1 594 1 658 3 174 28 711
Of which in foreign currency 1 256 109 701 4 190 444 - 1 654 12 451
Rest of the world 208 1 617 164 6 994 2 324 1 580 3 945 35 908
Of which in foreign currency - - - 213 - - 973 4 763

1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
