Statistics Norway - home page

General government revenue and expense
8 Central government. Total expenditure by function
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 583 759 602 853 627 408 655 031 700 452 738 531 802 218
01 General public services 124 271 107 213 105 908 113 143 127 572 130 746 143 239
Of which   
011 Executive and legislative organs and financial fiscal affairs, external affairs 10 794 11 224 11 948 13 324 14 087 16 443 18 285
012 Foreign economic aid 13 259 13 837 14 433 17 312 18 125 20 130 21 499
013 General services 3 816 3 787 3 053 2 134 2 421 2 408 2 633
014 Basic research 1 585 1 951 2 027 1 944 2 035 2 502 2 735
015 R&d general public services 946 1 058 1 076 1 216 1 385 1 599 1 687
016 General public services n.e.c. 292 262 -44 343 255 432 473
017 Public debt transactions 17 628 19 724 17 198 16 650 25 534 18 511 21 198
018 Transfers of a general character between different levels of government 75 951 55 371 56 218 60 220 63 731 68 721 74 729
02 Defence 31 084 30 870 31 097 30 175 34 874 38 074 40 169
Of which   
021 Military defence 27 972 28 211 29 038 27 653 32 277 35 078 36 809
022 Civil defense 829 759 907 842 683 695 884
023 Foreign military aid 2 001 1 553 829 878 1 034 1 301 1 419
024 R&d defence 281 345 320 484 546 616 661
03 Public order and safety 15 380 15 955 16 150 15 548 16 401 17 673 19 044
Of which   
031 Police services 7 986 8 105 8 176 8 897 9 502 10 218 10 985
032 Fire-protection services 179 179 .. 485 491 511 693
033 Law courts 2 876 3 159 3 215 3 524 3 482 3 781 3 978
034 Prisons 1 801 1 878 2 030 2 214 2 414 2 717 2 922
036 Public order and safety n.e.c. 2 539 2 634 2 728 428 512 447 464
04 Economic affairs 55 264 57 517 57 186 62 910 64 958 68 026 74 716
Of which   
041 General economic, commercial and labour affairs 9 998 11 091 11 169 13 461 13 583 12 193 13 098
042 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 15 855 15 492 14 747 14 390 14 479 14 329 15 070
043 Fuel and energy 1 434 1 748 1 732 1 197 1 340 1 604 2 156
044 Mining, manufacturing and construction 1 748 1 659 286 84 78 114 163
045 Transport 22 321 23 249 25 931 27 476 29 278 32 256 36 122
046 Communication 211 228 543 885 635 755 730
047 Other industries 958 928 583 1 212 1 372 1 842 1 916
048 R&d economic affairs 2 507 2 818 2 131 3 403 3 414 4 056 4 356
049 Economic affairs n.e.c. 232 305 64 803 778 878 1 105
05 Environment protection 2 067 2 003 2 028 2 468 2 619 2 704 3 145
Of which   
051 Waste management 173 125 147 126 140 35 2
052 Waste water management 63 6 1 .. .. .. ..
053 Pollution abatement 604 580 565 705 780 735 851
054 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 673 712 757 795 769 902 1 129
055 R&d environment protection 156 196 204 434 495 580 634
056 Environment protection n.e.c. 399 384 355 409 435 452 529
06 Housing and community amenities 1 293 941 1 075 1 066 1 031 1 004 1 125
Of which   
061 Housing devolopment 1 160 828 998 1 002 975 934 1 040
062 Community devolopment 132 110 74 29 7 4 2
07 Health 86 545 94 003 101 990 104 219 111 524 120 949 129 619
Of which   
071 Medical products, appliances and equipment 12 997 13 300 13 053 13 186 13 019 13 108 12 982
072 Out-patient services 8 964 16 932 19 093 25 159 27 179 29 188 31 774
073 Hospital services 59 759 58 552 61 282 61 552 66 546 73 182 78 463
074 Public health services 2 652 3 156 6 654 1 833 2 144 2 549 2 696
075 R&d health 775 758 959 538 639 765 810
076 Health n.e.c. 1 397 1 304 948 1 951 1 997 2 158 2 894
08 Recreation, culture and religion 7 005 7 465 7 863 8 641 9 178 9 952 11 079
Of which   
081 Recreational and sporting services 858 1 050 1 200 1 200 1 309 1 372 1 554
082 Cultural services 4 116 4 243 4 492 4 850 5 184 5 575 6 152
083 Broadcasting and publishing services 300 293 308 279 291 307 298
084 Religious and other community services 1 721 1 862 1 848 2 181 2 255 2 552 2 912
086 Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c. .. 4 3 104 113 130 146
09 Education 36 438 40 268 39 554 41 214 42 228 42 769 46 003
Of which   
091 Pre-primary and primary education 2 695 2 410 2 057 1 112 1 430 1 698 1 870
092 Upper secondary education 4 509 5 253 7 094 4 553 4 710 3 893 4 006
094 Tertiary education 26 274 29 648 28 482 29 795 31 235 31 986 34 443
095 Education not definable by level 1 217 1 156 297 3 324 2 386 2 659 2 902
096 Subsidiary services to education 248 248 271 1 007 1 031 1 059 1 226
098 Education n.e.c. 1 494 1 531 1 337 827 786 777 821
10 Social protection 224 410 246 617 264 556 275 647 290 067 306 636 334 028
Of which   
101 Sickness and disability 82 206 92 132 94 348 97 998 102 026 107 301 116 745
102 Old age 81 544 86 922 91 538 98 713 103 392 111 397 120 749
103 Survivors 4 953 5 171 5 423 5 403 5 486 5 693 5 982
104 Family and children 36 047 38 405 45 582 47 947 52 350 55 811 60 432
105 Unemployment 10 703 14 081 15 002 12 043 7 837 5 791 5 545
106 Housing 1 825 1 758 2 218 2 054 2 214 2 336 2 421
107 Social exclusion n.e.c. 3 003 4 187 5 869 6 306 7 078 7 220 8 735
109 Social protection n.e.c. 3 949 3 709 4 297 5 025 9 511 10 965 13 298