Statistics Norway - home page

General government revenue and expense
1 General government. Revenue and expenditure. Accrued values. NOK million.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
A. Revenue 1 107 803 1 268 487 1 328 743 1 498 323 1 348 021 1 411 770
Taxes on income, wealth etc1 433 170 492 368 493 759 564 820 478 701 516 722
Taxes on goods and services 238 247 265 091 287 517 285 013 284 535 306 107
Capital taxes 1 768 2 063 2 576 1 973 2 431 2 377
Social security contributions 173 846 189 223 206 969 226 880 234 741 243 852
Property income 201 068 258 285 270 485 350 188 274 872 265 815
Interest 61 296 80 616 96 797 114 580 91 434 86 792
Dividends 33 679 45 733 57 252 73 982 74 790 70 221
Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations 102 917 128 270 112 156 156 182 101 314 102 158
Withdrawal from SDFI 99 562 124 845 108 817 152 576 98 285 100 258
Withdrawal from other activities 3 354 3 424 3 339 3 607 3 029 1 900
Land rent, road rent etc 3 177 3 667 4 280 5 444 7 334 6 644
Administrative fees and charges 51 391 52 968 57 961 60 111 62 826 65 945
Current transfers 8 314 8 489 9 477 9 338 9 915 10 953
Fines, penalties and forfeits 1 412 1 686 1 823 1 828 1 730 2 140
Other domestic transfers 6 903 6 803 7 649 7 484 8 047 8 760
Transfers from the rest of the world .. .. 5 26 138 52
B. Expense 798 667 848 776 903 051 987 210 1 063 664 1 117 399
Compensation of employees 241 633 257 094 279 176 305 411 326 149 343 153
Use of good and services 118 640 126 809 136 351 148 333 162 542 170 263
Consumption of fixed capital 34 128 36 774 40 675 45 453 47 925 50 324
Social benefits in kind 39 549 42 636 45 676 50 101 53 822 57 555
Property expense 23 462 33 107 29 803 37 329 33 922 32 889
Interest 23 458 33 105 29 800 37 325 33 918 32 889
Rent 5 3 3 4 4 ..
Social benefits in cash 258 754 266 887 278 338 298 300 326 596 345 157
Pensions 155 623 164 566 176 081 189 929 202 043 206 470
Retirement pensions 99 429 105 152 112 969 119 759 128 176 136 967
Disability pensions 47 391 50 575 54 405 58 859 62 708 57 877
Other pensions 8 803 8 839 8 708 11 311 11 160 11 626
Family allowances 17 246 16 636 16 391 16 249 16 296 16 251
Child benefits 14 304 14 346 14 415 14 558 14 782 14 850
Cash benefit scheme 2 943 2 290 1 976 1 690 1 514 1 402
Sickness and parental benefits etc 34 161 37 052 38 957 43 552 49 948 49 164
Vocational rehabilitation benefits 19 909 19 687 19 338 19 355 21 174 4 517
Work assessment allowance .. .. .. .. .. 27 518
Unemployment benefits 9 582 6 103 4 334 4 325 9 695 12 218
Education benefits 8 776 8 904 8 943 9 312 9 466 9 429
Social assistance benefits 4 943 4 769 4 486 4 544 4 962 4 905
Other benefits 8 513 9 169 9 807 11 036 13 013 14 687
Subsidies 40 135 40 591 42 579 47 017 51 221 54 104
Current transfers 38 747 41 278 47 343 51 154 57 837 60 738
Transfers to non-profit institutions serving households 21 285 22 417 24 697 26 350 29 769 29 980
Other domestic transfers 1 352 1 291 1 371 1 749 1 731 1 864
Transfers to the rest of the world 16 111 17 570 21 275 23 055 26 337 28 894
Capital transfers 3 620 3 601 3 110 4 112 3 650 3 215
Capital transfers to business enterprises 1 742 2 683 2 140 2 974 2 530 1 948
Capital transfers to the rest of the world 1 879 919 971 1 138 1 120 1 268
C. Change in net worth from transactions (A-B) 309 136 419 712 425 692 511 114 284 357 294 371
D. Net acquisitions of non-financial assets 16 015 22 144 28 438 30 725 34 755 28 683
Gross acquisitions of fixed assets 52 990 61 436 71 243 77 597 85 633 81 282
Acquisitions of fixed assets 53 676 62 021 71 701 78 533 86 645 81 990
Disposals of fixed assets -686 -585 -458 -936 -1 012 -708
Consumption of fixed capital -34 128 -36 774 -40 675 -45 453 -47 925 -50 324
Net acquisitions of land -2 848 -2 518 -2 130 -1 419 -2 953 -2 275
Acquisitions of land 811 1 049 1 439 1 364 1 560 1 244
Disposals of land -3 659 -3 567 -3 569 -2 782 -4 513 -3 519
E. Total expenditure (B+D) 814 682 870 920 931 489 1 017 935 1 098 419 1 146 082
F. Net lending/borrowing (A-E) 293 122 397 568 397 254 480 389 249 601 265 688
Wages and salaries (own account capital formation) 120 139 121 141 157 153
Goods and services (own account capital formation) 1 041 869 867 1 026 1 270 1 148

1Ordinary income tax on petroleum revenue revised for 2005-2008 (30.03.11)
