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General government revenue and expense
3 Local government. Revenue and expenditure. Accrued values. NOK million.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
A. Revenue 249 654 269 310 287 414 304 132 334 083 354 366
Taxes on income, wealth etc 106 471 112 979 116 630 119 738 131 111 137 772
Taxes on goods and services 6 604 7 037 7 790 8 476 8 551 9 274
Property income 10 798 12 859 15 280 14 925 11 985 11 962
Interest 4 936 5 666 6 658 7 522 4 887 4 328
Dividends 3 396 4 659 6 206 4 789 5 264 5 111
Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations 2 466 2 534 2 416 2 614 1 834 499
Withdrawal from other activities 2 466 2 534 2 416 2 614 1 834 499
Land rent, road rent etc .. .. .. .. .. 2 025
Administrative fees and charges 33 285 34 100 36 874 39 320 41 950 44 326
Current transfers 92 496 102 336 110 840 121 673 140 488 151 032
Grants from other general government units 89 070 98 829 106 521 117 381 136 264 146 418
Grants from central government 89 070 98 829 106 521 117 381 136 264 146 418
Other domestic transfers 3 426 3 506 4 319 4 292 4 224 4 614
B. Expense 243 106 261 377 286 857 321 597 341 715 365 302
Compensation of employees 136 779 144 577 155 977 172 288 185 703 195 490
Use of good and services 48 196 52 512 57 167 62 610 68 063 72 740
Consumption of fixed capital 17 571 18 919 20 943 23 693 24 944 30 582
Social benefits in kind 9 812 12 292 14 229 16 429 18 886 20 989
Property expense 6 757 7 505 11 225 15 996 10 482 10 643
Interest 6 757 7 505 11 225 15 996 10 482 10 643
Social benefits in cash 7 586 7 859 7 892 8 442 9 623 10 325
Social assistance benefits 4 943 4 769 4 486 4 544 4 962 4 905
Other benefits 2 643 3 089 3 406 3 898 4 662 5 420
Subsidies 7 838 8 874 9 298 10 491 10 961 12 880
Current transfers 7 647 8 174 9 044 10 479 11 723 10 893
Grants to other general government units 1 283 1 342 762 1 773 2 205 1 514
Grants to central government 1 283 1 342 762 1 773 2 205 1 514
Transfers to non-profit institutions serving households 6 364 6 832 8 282 8 706 9 518 9 379
Capital transfers 920 667 1 082 1 170 1 329 760
Capital transfers to business enterprises 920 667 1 082 1 170 1 329 760
C. Change in net worth from transactions (A-B) 6 548 7 933 557 -17 466 -7 631 -10 936
D. Net acquisitions of non-financial assets 6 898 9 262 13 383 13 985 17 715 17 913
Gross acquisitions of fixed assets 26 202 29 829 35 861 38 844 43 377 49 519
Acquisitions of fixed assets 26 659 30 116 35 917 38 983 43 952 49 567
Disposals of fixed assets -457 -287 -56 -139 -575 -47
Consumption of fixed capital -17 571 -18 919 -20 943 -23 693 -24 944 -30 582
Net acquisitions of land -1 733 -1 648 -1 535 -1 166 -718 -1 025
Acquisitions of land 675 927 1 152 1 009 1 216 923
Disposals of land -2 408 -2 575 -2 687 -2 175 -1 934 -1 948
E. Total expenditure (B+D) 250 004 270 639 300 240 335 583 359 429 383 215
F. Net lending/borrowing (A-E) -350 -1 329 -12 826 -31 451 -25 346 -28 849
Wages and salaries (own account capital formation) 120 139 121 141 157 153
Goods and services (own account capital formation) 1 041 869 867 1 026 1 270 1 148