Statistics Norway - home page

General government revenue and expense
4 General government. Accrued taxes and social security contributions. NOK million.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Taxes on income, wealth etc 433 170 492 368 493 759 564 820 478 701 516 722
Taxes on income and wealth, excluding extraction of petroleum 242 064 267 709 300 208 310 762 325 564 334 144
Corporate tax and national tax on individuals' income 214 951 240 150 268 515 272 649 289 878 295 682
Surtax and tax on ground rent income 16 413 15 985 18 449 23 478 22 037 24 201
Net wealth tax 8 850 9 244 11 062 11 247 12 311 12 638
Tax on dividends paid to foreign shareholders 1 850 2 330 2 182 3 387 1 338 1 623
Taxes on income and wealth from extraction of petroleum 184 929 218 097 186 637 247 253 145 641 175 000
Ordinary income tax on petroleum revenue1 68 632 80 205 66 596 87 573 50 117 65 800
Special tax on petroleum income 116 297 137 892 120 041 159 680 95 524 109 200
Annual tax on motor vehicles paid by households 6 014 6 378 6 699 6 589 6 872 7 157
Other taxes on income, wealth etc 163 184 215 216 625 421
Taxes on goods and services 238 247 265 091 287 517 285 013 284 535 306 107
Value added tax 153 137 172 067 188 705 184 843 186 211 201 184
Customs duties 1 705 1 901 2 244 2 464 2 455 2 589
Taxes on petroleum extraction 3 935 5 754 4 639 5 526 3 732 3 559
Taxes on motor vehicles 35 366 38 953 39 578 37 876 36 132 39 909
Of which motor vehicle registration tax 17 737 20 721 20 725 18 542 16 376 19 517
Of which annual motor vehicle tax paid by enterprises 1 268 1 344 1 412 1 389 1 448 1 508
Of which re-registration tax on motor vehicles 1 882 2 049 2 172 2 119 2 296 2 318
Of which petrol tax 8 623 8 412 8 132 7 872 7 694 7 373
Of which diesel tax 5 217 5 747 6 424 7 313 7 798 8 653
Energy and pollution taxes 15 062 16 134 17 738 17 952 17 720 18 663
Of which tax on electricity 5 884 5 962 7 079 7 042 7 548 8 110
Of which taxes on mineral and lubricating oils 678 763 777 1 353 1 364 1 517
Of which co2 tax 3 899 4 366 4 469 4 453 4 442 4 682
Of which tax on disposable beverage packaging 673 1 074 1 151 1 226 1 232 1 261
Of which tax on the final treatment of waste 488 596 684 697 491 279
Of which natural resource tax 2 281 2 150 2 220 2 285 2 056 2 188
Of which taxes on alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals and gambling 20 622 21 212 22 005 23 922 25 629 26 054
Of which taxes on alcohol 9 307 9 822 10 369 10 987 11 340 11 361
Of which tax on tobacco goods 6 766 6 568 6 815 7 457 8 062 7 768
Of which tax on chocolate, sugar and non-alcoholic beverages 2 154 2 245 2 294 2 381 3 017 3 109
Of which tax on pharmaceutical products 292 283 312 293 267 276
Of which betting related taxes 2 103 2 295 2 215 2 805 2 944 3 540
Real estate tax 4 324 4 887 5 571 6 191 6 495 7 086
Other taxes 4 098 4 184 7 038 6 239 6 162 7 065
Of which stamp duty on real estate transfers 4 664 4 944 5 554 5 125 5 076 5 869
Capital taxes 1 768 2 063 2 576 1 973 2 431 2 377
Taxes on inheritance and gifts 1 768 2 063 2 576 1 973 2 431 2 377
Social security contributions 173 846 189 223 206 969 226 880 234 741 243 852
Employee contributions 69 051 73 956 81 067 88 335 91 538 94 746
Employee contributions to the national insurance scheme 65 929 70 625 77 476 84 653 87 944 91 113
Employee contributions to other public insurance schemes 3 122 3 331 3 591 3 682 3 594 3 633
Employer contributions 104 794 115 267 125 902 138 545 143 203 149 106
Employer contributions to the national insurance scheme 92 870 102 435 112 076 123 542 127 111 131 811
Employer contributions to other public insurance schemes 11 925 12 832 13 826 15 003 16 092 17 296

1Revised figures for 2005-2008 (30.03.11)
