Statistics Norway - home page

General government revenue and expense
6 Local government. Accrued taxes. NOK million.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Taxes on income, wealth etc 106 471 112 979 116 630 119 738 131 111 137 772
Taxes on income and wealth, excluding extraction of petroleum 106 471 112 979 116 630 119 738 131 111 137 772
Corporate tax and national tax on individuals' income 100 512 106 410 108 801 112 155 123 505 129 963
Net wealth tax 5 959 6 569 7 829 7 583 7 606 7 809
Taxes on goods and services 6 604 7 037 7 790 8 476 8 551 9 274
Energy and pollution taxes 2 281 2 150 2 220 2 285 2 056 2 188
Of which natural resource tax 2 281 2 150 2 220 2 285 2 056 2 188
Real estate tax 4 324 4 887 5 571 6 191 6 495 7 086