Statistics Norway - home page

General government revenue and expense
9 Local government. Total expenditure by function. NOK million.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 250 004 270 639 300 240 335 583 359 429 383 215
01 General public services 25 780 28 288 34 134 41 035 37 990 37 836
Of which   
011 Executive and legislative organs and financial fiscal affairs, external affairs 15 539 16 791 17 945 18 452 20 796 21 314
013 General services 3 479 3 998 4 964 6 579 6 710 5 882
017 Public debt transactions 6 757 7 502 11 225 15 996 10 482 10 641
03 Public order and safety 2 706 3 092 3 284 3 504 3 698 3 815
Of which   
032 Fire-protection services 2 706 3 092 3 284 3 504 3 698 3 815
04 Economic affairs 16 034 17 363 19 618 23 493 24 843 34 548
Of which   
041 General economic, commercial and labour affairs 1 237 1 410 1 438 1 803 1 547 1 131
045 Transport 12 353 13 246 14 531 16 638 18 325 29 760
049 Economic affairs n.e.c. 2 443 2 707 3 650 4 583 4 453 3 126
05 Environment protection 9 072 9 609 10 452 11 694 13 503 14 035
Of which   
051 Waste management 3 052 3 200 3 641 3 977 4 775 4 688
052 Waste water management 4 801 5 004 5 594 6 434 7 204 7 803
056 Environment protection n.e.c. 1 220 1 405 1 217 1 284 1 524 1 544
06 Housing and community amenities 10 504 11 739 12 693 14 489 15 306 16 543
Of which   
061 Housing devolopment 4 347 4 563 7 870 8 984 9 347 10 130
062 Community devolopment 1 864 2 349 0 0 .. 0
063 Water supply 4 293 4 827 4 823 5 504 5 959 6 413
07 Health 39 001 41 019 43 870 46 307 49 341 52 021
Of which   
072 Out-patient services 7 843 8 115 8 494 9 237 9 950 10 717
073 Hospital services 28 997 30 663 32 961 34 390 36 478 38 267
074 Public health services 2 161 2 241 2 415 2 679 2 913 3 037
08 Recreation, culture and religion 12 840 13 567 16 345 18 514 21 510 21 725
Of which   
081 Recreational and sporting services 4 207 4 469 5 291 6 872 7 277 7 375
082 Cultural services 2 973 3 046 3 396 3 619 5 858 6 007
084 Religious and other community services 2 964 3 195 3 923 4 578 5 015 4 770
086 Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c. 2 696 2 857 3 736 3 445 3 361 3 573
09 Education 71 754 76 376 81 867 87 849 95 823 99 951
Of which   
091 Pre-primary and primary education (comprised by primary and lower secondary school, 1-10) 45 016 47 559 50 562 53 771 58 389 61 393
092 Upper secondary education (11-13) 19 449 21 055 22 990 23 962 26 128 26 377
095 Education not definable by level 5 513 5 748 6 124 6 576 7 106 7 721
096 Subsidiary services to education 918 1 076 1 210 2 406 2 688 2 862
098 Education n.e.c. 858 937 982 1 135 1 513 1 598
10 Social protection 62 315 69 587 77 976 88 698 97 414 102 742
Of which   
101 Sickness and disability 23 789 25 640 28 457 32 316 34 762 36 641
102 Old age 2 857 3 088 3 392 3 770 4 099 4 308
104 Family and children 25 747 30 451 35 316 40 852 44 866 47 149
107 Social exclusion n.e.c. 9 921 10 408 10 811 11 760 13 688 14 644