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General government financial assets and liabilities, 1979-1985
2 Central government. Financial balance sheet per 31 December at nominal value, by financial instrument and debtor/creditor sector, including reconciliation items. 1979-1985. Million kroner
  1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
A. TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS 148 956 164 040 179 752 188 093 213 032 255 003 326 096
Central government 14 700 15 574 16 943 18 721 21 558 22 103 23 359
Local government 636 623 786 686 866 645 706
Sector for tax collection etc 834 1 214 980 - - 9 8
Financial corporations 82 612 90 850 101 022 104 151 118 291 149 845 204 685
Non-financial corporations 45 276 49 999 54 543 58 794 66 207 76 490 89 676
Households etc 1 396 1 430 1 421 1 454 1 560 1 132 1 614
The rest of the world 3 502 4 350 4 057 4 287 4 550 4 779 6 048
Reconciliation sector - - - - - - -
Notes and coin 25 21 25 36 32 40 28
Financial corporations 25 21 25 36 32 40 28
Deposits 16 665 15 743 19 204 13 934 22 274 45 592 93 344
Financial corporations 16 635 15 729 19 197 13 926 22 268 45 401 93 187
The rest of the world 30 14 7 8 6 191 157
Commercial papers and Treasury bills - - - - - - 538
Central government - - - - - - 538
Local government - - - - - - -
Financial corporations - - - - - - -
Non-financial corporations - - - - - - -
Households etc - - - - - - -
The rest of the world - - - - - - -
Bonds 15 958 17 675 18 985 20 495 22 349 24 547 26 506
Central government 7 897 8 198 7 752 7 244 9 076 10 910 12 486
Local government 275 280 355 395 495 419 504
Financial corporations 6 772 8 051 9 446 11 248 11 090 11 296 11 510
Non-financial corporations 988 1 123 1 412 1 592 1 674 1 910 1 996
Households etc - - - - - - -
The rest of the world 26 23 20 16 14 12 10
Reconciliation sector - - - - - - -
Other loans 69 753 77 060 84 562 92 252 98 511 107 936 105 300
Central government 6 318 6 632 9 031 9 964 7 330 3 792 3 544
Local government 344 324 325 193 181 171 161
Financial corporations 55 556 62 556 67 638 73 823 79 861 87 589 94 266
Non-financial corporations 6 067 6 036 6 045 6 662 9 320 14 959 5 431
Households etc 1 396 1 430 1 421 1 454 1 560 1 132 1 614
The rest of the world 72 82 102 156 259 293 284
Shares etc 4 816 5 465 5 819 6 336 6 353 6 689 6 837
Financial corporations 168 106 106 96 96 96 61
Non-financial corporations 4 638 5 349 5 705 6 240 6 257 6 593 6 776
The rest of the world 10 10 8 - - - -
Capital participations 37 694 42 441 47 024 51 027 56 431 61 174 82 936
Central government - 42 42 400 400 - -
Financial corporations 3 287 4 145 4 455 4 756 4 928 5 319 5 305
Non-financial corporations 32 738 36 280 40 221 43 154 47 915 52 123 73 272
The rest of the world 1 669 1 974 2 306 2 717 3 188 3 732 4 359
Other financial assets 4 045 5 635 4 133 4 013 7 082 9 025 10 607
Central government 485 702 118 1 113 4 752 7 401 6 791
Local government 17 19 106 98 190 55 41
Sector for tax collection etc 834 1 214 980 - - 9 8
Financial corporations 169 242 155 266 16 104 328
Non-financial corporations 845 1 211 1 160 1 146 1 041 905 2 201
Households etc - - - - - - -
The rest of the world 1 695 2 247 1 614 1 390 1 083 551 1 238
Reconciliation sector - - - - - - -
B. TOTAL LIABILITIES 115 196 120 950 122 108 115 079 117 386 132 208 161 149
Central government 14 700 15 574 16 944 18 721 21 558 22 103 23 359
Local government 266 291 133 38 26 75 123
Sector for tax collection etc - - - 240 43 45 221
Financial corporations 63 594 71 523 70 526 65 995 75 328 91 244 114 463
Non-financial corporations 2 067 2 029 2 804 2 317 2 699 3 537 6 329
Households etc 2 071 1 844 2 998 4 806 6 543 9 660 10 922
The rest of the world 32 125 29 886 26 233 21 629 9 440 4 853 6 650
Reconciliation sector 373 -197 2 470 1 333 1 749 691 -918
Commercial papers and Treasury bills 9 600 14 600 17 172 13 878 13 413 24 558 36 621
Central government - - - - - - 538
Local government - - - - - - -
Financial corporations 9 253 14 751 14 662 12 440 11 650 23 767 36 083
Non-financial corporations - - - - - - -
Households etc - - - - - - -
The rest of the world - - - - - - -
Reconciliation sector 347 -151 2 510 1 438 1 763 791 -
Bonds 61 743 61 775 58 098 56 235 61 468 60 130 71 660
Central government 7 897 8 198 7 752 7 244 9 076 10 910 12 486
Local government 39 34 37 23 26 75 123
Financial corporations 26 689 28 720 27 105 30 873 41 565 38 793 44 691
Non-financial corporations 163 135 414 306 751 1 416 2 740
Households etc 543 413 1 559 1 145 2 714 5 270 6 067
The rest of the world 26 412 24 275 21 231 16 644 7 336 3 666 5 553
Reconciliation sector - - - - - - -
Other loans 33 331 32 972 35 551 37 784 32 363 34 856 39 448
Central government 6 318 6 632 9 031 9 964 7 330 3 792 3 544
Local government - - - - - - -
Financial corporations 19 831 19 568 20 274 19 465 18 876 25 433 29 594
Non-financial corporations 786 875 1 082 1 253 1 343 1 359 1 757
Households etc 1 218 1 061 1 040 3 113 3 489 4 063 4 480
The rest of the world 5 179 4 922 4 201 4 097 1 339 292 96
Reconciliation sector -1 -86 -77 -108 -14 -83 -23
Capital participations - 42 42 400 400 - -
Central government - 42 42 400 400 - -
Other liabilities 10 522 11 561 11 245 6 782 9 742 12 664 13 420
Central government 485 702 119 1 113 4 752 7 401 6 791
Local government 227 257 96 15 - - -
Sector for tax collection etc - - - 240 43 45 221
Financial corporations 7 821 8 484 8 485 3 217 3 237 3 251 4 095
Non-financial corporations 1 118 1 019 1 308 758 605 762 1 832
Households etc 310 370 399 548 340 327 375
The rest of the world 534 689 801 888 765 895 1 001
Reconciliation sector 27 40 37 3 0 -17 -895
C. NET FINANCIAL ASSETS (A-B) 33 760 43 090 57 644 73 014 95 646 122 795 164 947
D. INCREASE IN NET FINANCIAL ASSETS -1 151 9 330 14 554 15 370 22 632 27 149 42 152
F. RECONCILIATION ITEMS, TOTAL (D-E) -910 -417 -3 132 -319 -389 221 1 773
Revaluations -766 72 -1 450 -2 429 -305 105 74
Exchange rate changes 536 -4 -1 500 -2 925 -330 -126 10
Other recorded holding gains and losses 1 3 -2 4 29 15 16
Changes in value differences of securities -1 303 73 52 492 -4 216 48
Volume changes 351 -431 -1 899 2 806 165 417 1 184
Write-offs of bad debt -183 7 -1 389 -409 -572 -276 -9 187
Write-offs of shares and other equity 696 -344 -336 -1 196 1 587 1 230 10 573
Other volume changes -162 -94 -174 4 411 -850 -537 -202
Changes in sector classification and structure - - - - -2 -46 -
Changes in classification of assets and liabilities - - - - - - -
Statistical discrepancies -495 -58 217 -696 -247 -255 515