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Monthly Statistics on Turnover. Oil and gas extraction, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply, June 2011
1 Turnover1 by division and main industrial groupings and by market. Original series2. Million NOK
Industrial Classification3 January - June Pct. change April - June Pct. change June Pct. change
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
Extraction, mining, manuf. and elec 735 936 776 554 5.5 360 150 375 033 4.1 126 464 122 067 -3.5
Domestic market 366 173 371 103 1.3 179 838 179 302 -0.3 63 999 60 523 -5.4
Export market 369 761 405 449 9.7 180 311 195 730 8.6 62 465 61 544 -1.5
Extraction and related services 281 432 318 651 13.2 138 841 151 444 9.1 46 811 46 435 -0.8
Domestic market 54 522 69 120 26.8 27 845 35 066 25.9 9 383 11 454 22.1
Export market 226 910 249 531 10.0 110 995 116 378 4.8 37 427 34 981 -6.5
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 374 617 377 047 0.6 190 776 192 068 0.7 70 774 66 706 -5.7
Domestic market 232 679 222 117 -4.5 121 722 113 573 -6.7 45 857 40 666 -11.3
Export market 141 940 154 929 9.2 69 055 78 495 13.7 24 917 26 040 4.5
Mining and quarrying 4 710 5 560 18.0 2 650 3 081 16.3 1 018 1 056 3.7
Domestic market 3 033 3 468 14.3 1 639 1 952 19.1 639 611 -4.4
Export market 1 678 2 091 24.6 1 012 1 129 11.6 380 445 17.1
Manufacturing 369 908 371 485 0.4 188 128 188 986 0.5 69 756 65 650 -5.9
Domestic market 229 646 218 647 -4.8 120 083 111 621 -7.0 45 218 40 055 -11.4
Export market 140 262 152 838 9.0 68 044 77 366 13.7 24 538 25 595 4.3
Electricity, gas and steam 79 886 80 856 1.2 30 532 31 521 3.2 8 879 8 926 0.5
Domestic market 78 975 79 869 1.1 30 272 30 665 1.3 8 759 8 403 -4.1
Export market 912 987 8.2 262 856 226.7 121 523 332.2
Main industrial groupings   
Intermediate goods 159 874 180 285 12.8 85 306 93 958 10.1 31 448 33 204 5.6
Domestic market 102 328 114 207 11.6 55 464 60 341 8.8 20 646 21 647 4.8
Export market 57 547 66 077 14.8 29 842 33 618 12.7 10 802 11 558 7.0
Capital goods 116 566 98 320 -15.7 58 013 49 321 -15.0 21 293 17 183 -19.3
Domestic market 81 828 68 139 -16.7 42 318 34 004 -19.6 15 088 12 241 -18.9
Export market 34 740 30 181 -13.1 15 697 15 317 -2.4 6 206 4 942 -20.4
Consumer goods total 93 204 93 470 0.3 45 562 46 954 3.1 16 990 16 537 -2.7
Domestic market 71 255 70 305 -1.3 35 301 36 396 3.1 13 240 13 034 -1.6
Export market 21 952 23 165 5.5 10 261 10 558 2.9 3 750 3 503 -6.6
Energy goods 366 290 404 480 10.4 171 269 184 801 7.9 56 733 55 144 -2.8
Domestic market 110 765 118 453 6.9 46 757 48 562 3.9 15 026 13 602 -9.5
Export market 255 526 286 026 11.9 124 513 136 239 9.4 41 708 41 542 -0.4

1The Figures can be revised twice after published, but no later than 6 months after the initial publishing.
2Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
3The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.

Source: Statistics Norway
