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Monthly Statistics on Turnover. Oil and gas extraction, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply, September 2011
2 Turnover1 by division and main industrial groupings and by market. Original series2. 2005=100
Industrial Classification3 January - September Pct. change July - September Pct. change September Pct. change
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
Extraction, mining, manuf. and elec 125.0 135.2 8.2 118.1 134.9 14.2 126.3 141.7 12.2
Domestic market 138.6 140.6 1.4 131.8 134.6 2.1 145.4 146.8 1.0
Export market 113.8 130.7 14.9 106.9 135.1 26.4 110.6 137.5 24.2
Extraction and related services 116.7 139.7 19.8 108.2 145.3 34.3 110.3 142.8 29.4
Domestic market 186.6 243.9 30.7 183.6 254.0 38.4 189.1 247.8 31.0
Export market 106.7 124.9 17.0 97.5 129.9 33.2 99.1 127.8 29.0
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 132.6 133.9 1.0 131.4 134.4 2.3 143.9 150.0 4.2
Domestic market 135.7 128.7 -5.1 135.8 128.4 -5.4 151.4 146.4 -3.3
Export market 127.7 142.0 11.2 124.6 143.8 15.4 132.1 155.6 17.7
Mining and quarrying 106.4 121.6 14.2 148.4 163.1 9.9 152.9 205.4 34.4
Domestic market 100.8 110.1 9.3 133.5 137.5 3.0 133.5 165.9 24.3
Export market 117.0 142.9 22.1 176.4 211.1 19.6 189.1 279.3 47.7
Manufacturing 133.1 134.2 0.8 131.1 133.9 2.1 143.7 148.8 3.6
Domestic market 136.4 129.1 -5.4 135.8 128.2 -5.6 151.8 146.0 -3.9
Export market 127.9 142.0 11.0 123.7 142.6 15.3 131.1 153.3 17.0
Electricity, gas and steam 121.3 123.1 1.5 94.1 95.8 1.8 105.3 97.8 -7.1
Main industrial groupings   
Intermediate goods 137.8 154.2 11.9 143.7 158.7 10.4 160.1 171.8 7.3
Domestic market 149.7 167.4 11.8 157.4 176.2 12.0 177.0 195.0 10.2
Export market 120.5 135.1 12.1 124.0 133.2 7.4 135.7 138.3 1.9
Capital goods 157.3 133.4 -15.2 147.4 127.3 -13.6 166.0 147.8 -10.9
Domestic market 160.2 130.7 -18.4 151.6 119.7 -21.0 165.1 139.5 -15.5
Export market 150.6 139.4 -7.4 138.0 144.4 4.6 168.0 166.4 -1.0
Consumer goods total 129.5 129.2 -0.2 132.3 132.5 0.2 153.3 152.1 -0.8
Domestic market 131.8 130.0 -1.4 135.4 135.6 0.2 148.2 149.0 0.5
Export market 122.4 126.9 3.7 122.9 123.1 0.2 168.8 161.6 -4.3
Energy goods 111.5 129.7 16.3 98.2 128.1 30.4 97.8 126.2 29.1
Domestic market 120.8 130.9 8.3 96.2 107.6 11.9 105.1 109.0 3.7
Export market 108.1 129.2 19.6 99.0 135.6 37.0 95.1 132.6 39.4

1The Figures can be revised twice after published, but no later than 6 months after the initial publishing.
2Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
3The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.

Source: Statistics Norway
