Statistics Norway

Statistics on turnover of oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and gas supply. July 2010
  Original series.1
January-July 2010
Changes in per cent.
January-July 2009-
January-July 2010
Original series.1
July 2010
Changes in per cent.
July 2009-July 2010
Changes in per cent.
Seasonally adjusted.
February 2010-April 2010-
May 2010-July 2010
The overall turnover  845 059 4.4  109 525 2.4 -2.4
Extraction and related services  325 430 4.5 43 998 -2.1 -4.4
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  430 625 -0.8 56 410 2.5 2.0
Domestic market  266 806 -3.8 34 475 5.9 5.7
Export market  163 821 4.4 21 935 -2.3 2.5
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply 89 004 40.3 9 118 30.3 -14.2
Main industrial groupings          
Intermediate goods  184 530 7.2 24 816 9.8 5.4
Capital goods  132 890 -12.6 16 419 -6.2 0.2
Consumer goods  107 024 -3.1 13 968 -4.5 1.9
Energy goods  420 612 12.3 54 322 4.0 -9.2
1  NOK million.

Explanation of symbols