Statistics Norway

Statistics on turnover of oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and gas supply. March 2011
  Original series.1
January-March 2011
Changes in per cent.
January-March 2010-
January-March 2011
Original series.1
March 2011
Changes in per cent.
March 2010-
March 2011
Changes in per cent.
Seasonally adjusted.
October 2010-December 2010-
January 2011-March 2011
The overall turnover  402 106 7.0  142 800 5.3 0.4
Extraction and related services  167 320 17.3 59 199 18.9 3.5
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying  185 549 0.9 67 397 -2.5 -0.5
Domestic market  109 799 -1.0 39 364 -7.0 -4.7
Export market 75 750 3.9 28 033 4.6 6.1
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply 49 237 -0.2 16 204 -3.2 -2.1
Main industrial groupings          
Intermediate goods 86 390 15.9 31 499 13.6 4.2
Capital goods 49 378 -15.7 18 458 -17.9 -8.6
Consumer goods 46 755 -1.9 16 781 -4.5 -0.8
Energy goods  219 583 12.6 76 062 12.1 1.2
1  NOK million.

Explanation of symbols