Statistics Norway - home page

Financial corporations, balance sheet.
1 Banks, balance sheet. NOK million 1
2010:12 2010:11 2010:10 2010:9 2010:8 2010:7 2010:6 2010:5 2010:4 2010:3 2010:2 2010:1 2009:12
Notes and divisionary coin 85 665 50 284 46 796 63 960 48 572 70 542 58 646 60 426 62 695 41 979 37 306 51 065 97 054
Loans to and claims on financial institutions 502 300 511 722 538 060 499 686 577 490 657 859 715 683 623 373 592 389 566 030 623 109 507 160 530 593
Loans to and claims on customers 2 119 104 2 146 989 2 128 553 2 121 866 2 107 884 2 087 165 2 093 411 2 093 637 2 064 681 2 065 945 2 074 517 2 146 092 2 134 829
Certificates and bonds 674 078 701 350 700 015 692 599 719 076 684 443 684 259 719 005 728 436 724 941 674 965 674 969 682 334
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g. 84 765 83 114 81 652 82 218 86 654 85 823 86 275 85 780 86 461 83 571 81 048 81 328 81 227
Financial derivatives 115 366 134 807 129 659 135 659 139 917 126 796 133 119 135 990 103 729 100 867 133 202 128 071 119 982
Intangible assets 6 377 7 331 7 242 7 263 6 743 6 783 6 816 6 857 6 905 6 958 6 946 5 813 6 672
Durable operating equipment 8 435 8 525 8 534 8 177 5 736 5 739 5 732 5 695 5 693 5 713 5 661 5 640 5 718
Other assets 43 409 59 441 51 560 42 815 57 839 47 164 52 979 62 931 50 593 47 170 50 327 51 587 39 211
Total assets 3 639 499 3 703 564 3 692 071 3 654 244 3 749 912 3 772 314 3 836 920 3 793 694 3 701 581 3 643 174 3 687 080 3 651 725 3 697 621
Liabilities and equity   
Deposits from financial institutions 722 663 737 210 735 430 716 949 748 808 794 021 854 287 842 273 822 206 823 694 813 277 808 971 804 235
Deposits from customers 1 622 848 1 587 864 1 599 875 1 554 647 1 569 605 1 576 731 1 562 798 1 506 617 1 518 303 1 502 754 1 516 401 1 505 667 1 523 843
Certificate and bond debt 557 668 591 617 592 154 582 085 618 462 608 369 616 235 576 896 570 626 577 652 562 645 558 652 587 121
Other loans 305 402 310 990 291 200 339 681 341 056 346 610 359 089 404 437 347 565 309 033 320 067 312 493 337 120
Financial derivatives 83 095 90 923 89 333 98 148 95 273 88 705 86 070 89 316 73 434 74 297 106 421 105 323 100 047
Other liabilities 62 186 101 380 103 101 84 133 93 844 80 822 81 965 99 018 99 014 88 742 100 220 86 840 76 526
Subordinated loan capital 67 330 69 817 68 773 68 114 72 391 71 160 72 921 74 243 71 664 72 531 73 611 74 119 73 488
Total liabilities 3 421 191 3 489 803 3 479 865 3 443 756 3 539 439 3 566 418 3 633 366 3 592 800 3 502 812 3 448 701 3 492 641 3 452 063 3 502 379
Share and owner share capital 42 946 42 322 42 186 42 172 41 609 41 608 41 590 41 575 41 421 40 760 39 318 39 188 39 128
Other paid in equity 24 965 24 822 24 631 24 623 21 561 21 561 21 407 21 401 20 390 20 211 20 198 20 182 20 092
(share premium account etc.)   
Earned equity capital 121 910 122 096 122 691 122 709 125 691 125 702 125 882 126 153 126 382 127 289 131 085 138 000 115 571
Undistributed profit 28 488 24 521 22 698 20 984 21 612 17 024 14 676 11 764 10 576 6 213 3 838 2 291 20 451
Total equity 218 309 213 761 212 205 210 488 210 473 205 896 203 555 200 893 198 769 194 473 194 440 199 662 195 242
Total liabilities and equity 3 639 500 3 703 564 3 692 071 3 654 244 3 749 912 3 772 314 3 836 920 3 793 694 3 701 581 3 643 174 3 687 080 3 651 725 3 697 621

1Due to a merge between a finance company and a bank, the figures for September 2010 are not comparable with earlier periods.
