Statistics Norway - home page

Financial corporations, balance sheet.
20 Banks. Stock of bonds and certificates by sector. NOK million
2011:7 2011:6 2011:5 2011:4 2011:3 2011:2 2011:1 2010:12 2010:11 2010:10 2010:9 2010:8 2010:7
Total stock 615 045 637 974 590 272 605 283 641 766 642 964 673 485 674 077 701 350 700 015 692 599 719 076 684 443
Public administration 124 725 134 859 107 270 126 644 134 163 145 045 162 500 164 433 169 650 163 444 167 421 155 582 174 137
Central government administration 111 447 120 230 95 514 114 880 123 512 131 421 147 016 148 188 153 443 149 863 153 963 142 828 160 970
County municipalities 3 234 3 313 2 980 2 915 2 753 3 779 4 002 4 022 3 624 2 978 2 824 2 743 2 690
Municipalities 10 044 11 316 8 776 8 849 7 898 9 845 11 481 12 223 12 584 10 604 10 634 10 011 10 477
Financial corporations 310 089 312 660 307 446 307 482 302 888 333 443 328 938 326 451 334 672 332 531 332 822 328 581 326 473
The Central Bank of Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State lending institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Banks 45 526 47 352 44 216 44 846 47 145 50 743 49 471 49 433 49 233 47 170 48 694 47 018 46 180
Mortgage companies 261 006 261 452 259 688 259 277 252 443 279 237 275 806 273 730 281 986 282 236 280 939 278 715 277 452
Finance companies 498 762 386 272 361 531 555 251 262 265 278 113 113
Units trusts, mutual funds, financial holding
companies and other financial corporations excl.
financial auxillaries
2 786 2 799 2 825 2 728 2 607 2 602 2 784 2 711 2 819 2 489 2 556 2 417 2 435
Life insurance companies etc. 195 195 196 220 193 190 183 187 184 183 173 157 153
Non-life insurance companies . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 78 100 135 139 139 139 139 138 188 188 182 161 141
Non-financial corporations 24 740 25 527 27 154 24 688 23 508 23 606 23 032 23 292 25 176 24 108 24 124 24 343 25 642
Central government enterprises . . . . . . . . . . - . .
State enterprises 6 073 5 948 7 498 6 795 6 555 7 486 7 069 7 810 8 175 7 558 8 396 9 146 9 389
Local government enterprises 481 501 429 379 421 416 578 482 619 458 508 474 455
Other municipal enterprises 7 727 8 400 8 476 8 262 8 309 8 138 7 655 7 569 8 058 8 097 7 374 7 393 7 721
Private incorporated enterprises (e.g. limited
10 458 10 678 10 750 9 252 8 223 7 566 7 730 7 431 8 323 7 995 7 846 7 330 8 077
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . .
serving enterprises   
Households etc. 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 11 11 13 12
Quasi-corporate private enterprises 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - 1 1 3 2
Private non-profit institutions serving households . . . . . 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Unincorporated private enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Employees, pensioners, social security
recipients, students etc.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unspecified sector . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rest of the world 155 381 165 217 149 108 147 585 182 465 141 961 160 026 160 762 171 105 179 034 167 480 209 676 156 978
Central and local government 25 535 38 309 30 814 32 237 67 961 27 481 37 195 37 307 41 331 51 725 42 785 23 846 27 173
Banks 33 678 32 825 32 599 35 065 33 604 32 601 36 560 36 937 38 400 37 980 38 509 99 712 44 780
Other financial corporations 83 293 81 542 72 572 66 914 67 778 68 758 71 900 72 152 76 345 76 008 73 066 72 999 72 454
Non-financial corporations and households 12 875 12 541 13 123 13 369 13 121 13 121 14 371 14 366 15 028 13 321 13 120 13 120 12 571
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value 54 -405 -748 -1 139 -1 407 -1 161 -1 082 -920 685 756 691 880 1 185