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Financial corporations, quarterly profit and loss accounts
2 Finance companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts1. NOK million
2010:4 2010:3 2010:2 2010:1 2009:4
Interest income and similar income 7 998 5 893 5 306 2 609 11 198
Interest etc. income on loans and demands on customers and credit institutions 7 998 5 892 5 306 2 609 11 197
Interest and similar income on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing capital securities . . . . .
Other interest income 1 - - - 1
Interest expenses and similar expenses 2 410 1 759 1 614 765 3 763
Interest and similar expenses on deposits from and debt to customers and credit institutions 2 286 1 700 1 523 729 3 655
Interest and similar expenses on issued capital 31 26 31 15 83
Other interest expenses 93 33 60 21 26
Net interest income 5 588 4 134 3 692 1 843 7 435
Net commission income 1 286 860 549 242 1 331
Commission income 2 283 1 581 1 018 472 2 203
Commission costs 997 721 469 230 872
Net changes in value and gain/loss on securities and currency 8 -7 -25 -16 -30
Net changes in value and gain/loss on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing sercurities . . . . .
Net changes in value and gain/loss on shares and other securities with variable return - - - . .
Net changes in value and gain/loss on currency 8 - -20 -13 -48
Net changes in value and gain/loss on other financial assets and liabilities - -6 -4 -3 18
Other operating income 1 286 1 057 743 366 1 149
Income from shares and other securities with variable return 24 134 126 59 82
Income fromownership interest in associated companies and group companies 26 . . . .
Other operating income (incl. gain on sale on real property) 1 236 923 617 308 1 067
Total income 11 576 8 524 7 043 3 431 14 521
Administration expenses 2 096 1 522 1 267 653 2 392
Wages and other personnel expenses 1 274 976 817 433 1 572
Other administration costs 821 546 450 220 820
Other operating costs 2 659 1 918 1 469 689 3 068
Depreciation and write-down 385 275 393 186 768
Other operating costs (incl. losses on sale on real property) 2 274 1 643 1 076 503 2 300
Total costs 8 162 5 920 4 820 2 337 10 095
Pre-loss profit 3 414 2 604 2 223 1 094 4 426
Losses on loans and guarantees etc. 821 621 548 297 1 568
Loss on loans 817 616 545 295 1 571
Loss on guarantees (incl. credit losses on securities) 3 5 2 2 -3
Pre-tax profit 2 593 1 984 1 676 797 2 858
Other profit components . . . . .
Taxes on ordinary profit 647 497 419 190 736
Profit and loss at end of period 1 947 1 487 1 257 607 2 122

1Due to a merge between a finance company and a bank, the profit and loss account for the third quarter of 2010 is not comparable with earlier periods.
