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Financial corporations, quarterly profit and loss accounts
3 Mortgage companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)
2011:3 2011:2 2011:1 2010:4 2010:3
Interest income and similar income 33 261 21 375 10 430 37 881 28 162
Interest etc. income on loans and demands on customers and credit institutions 32 046 20 583 10 096 36 633 27 318
Interest and similar income on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing capital securities 2 919 1 934 980 3 631 2 724
Other interest income -1 704 -1 143 -646 -2 383 -1 880
Interest expenses and similar expenses 27 455 17 395 8 306 29 691 21 468
Interest and similar expenses on deposits from and debt to customers and credit institutions 5 180 3 083 1 447 5 899 4 426
Interest and similar expenses on issued capital 25 848 16 786 8 108 29 088 21 079
Other interest expenses -3 573 -2 474 -1 250 -5 295 -4 037
Net interest income 5 806 3 979 2 125 8 190 6 694
Net commission income -368 -263 -138 -569 -438
Commission income 134 88 43 207 156
Commission costs 502 351 181 776 594
Net changes in value and gain/loss on securities and currency -156 -487 233 1 016 -834
Net changes in value and gain/loss on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing sercurities -3 249 2 362 933 209 97
Net changes in value and gain/loss on shares and other securities with variable return . . . . .
Net changes in value and gain/loss on currency -2 481 751 1 855 -7 137 -5 584
Net changes in value and gain/loss on other financial assets and liabilities 5 573 -3 600 -2 554 7 945 4 653
Other operating income 14 10 7 22 23
Income from shares and other securities with variable return 3 3 3 1 1
Income fromownership interest in associated companies and group companies . . . . .
Other operating income (incl. gain on sale on real property) 11 7 4 21 22
Total income 33 254 20 986 10 713 39 127 27 507
Administration expenses 990 788 483 1 870 1 333
Wages and other personnel expenses 250 168 88 336 242
Other administration costs 740 620 395 1 534 1 091
Other operating costs 272 178 87 337 253
Depreciation and write-down 28 18 8 41 30
Other operating costs (incl. losses on sale on real property) 244 159 79 296 223
Total costs 29 219 18 712 9 057 32 675 23 647
Pre-loss profit 4 034 2 275 1 656 6 452 3 860
Losses on loans and guarantees etc. 198 149 62 138 10
Loss on loans 198 149 62 138 10
Loss on guarantees (incl. credit losses on securities) . . . . .
Pre-tax profit 3 836 2 125 1 594 6 314 3 850
Other profit components . . . . .
Taxes on ordinary profit 648 509 299 954 689
Profit and loss at end of period 3 188 1 617 1 295 5 360 3 161