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Financial corporations, quarterly profit and loss accounts
1 Banks, quarterly profit and loss accounts1. NOK million (cumulative)
2012:3 2012:2 2012:1 2011:4 2011:3
Interest income and similar income 101 636 68 331 34 690 135 663 98 995
Interest etc. income on loans and demands on customers and credit institutions 87 834 59 140 30 041 115 810 84 237
Interest and similar income on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing capital securities 12 083 8 127 4 223 17 856 13 317
Other interest income 1 720 1 064 426 1 998 1 441
Interest expenses and similar expenses 61 412 41 603 21 145 82 715 60 021
Interest and similar expenses on deposits from and debt to customers and credit institutions 44 586 30 312 15 566 59 182 42 391
Interest and similar expenses on issued capital 13 546 9 157 4 656 17 110 12 498
Other interest expenses 3 280 2 133 923 6 423 5 132
Net interest income 40 224 26 728 13 545 52 949 38 974
Net commission income 9 892 6 591 3 051 12 395 9 421
Commission income 13 188 8 798 4 161 16 750 12 592
Commission costs 3 296 2 206 1 109 4 355 3 171
Net changes in value and gain/loss on securities and currency 7 585 5 058 3 036 3 919 2 516
Net changes in value and gain/loss on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing sercurities 5 361 2 785 1 990 143 753
Net changes in value and gain/loss on shares and other securities with variable return 32 -153 191 -833 -795
Net changes in value and gain/loss on currency 3 702 3 548 4 614 -5 940 -8 449
Net changes in value and gain/loss on other financial assets and liabilities -1 510 -1 122 -3 759 10 549 11 007
Other operating income 6 150 4 663 1 391 7 807 5 191
Income from shares and other securities with variable return 989 900 210 3 046 1 466
Income fromownership interest in associated companies and group companies 1 407 1 421 184 1 254 1 084
Other operating income (incl. gain on sale on real property) 3 754 2 342 997 3 507 2 642
Total income 128 558 86 849 43 278 164 140 119 295
Administration expenses 24 387 16 293 8 226 31 650 23 333
Wages and other personnel expenses 16 166 10 779 5 486 20 047 14 986
Other administration costs 8 221 5 514 2 740 11 603 8 348
Other operating costs 6 393 4 326 2 018 9 266 6 269
Depreciation and write-down 1 887 1 268 544 3 426 1 961
Other operating costs (incl. losses on sale on real property) 4 506 3 058 1 473 5 840 4 309
Total costs 95 488 64 428 32 498 127 986 92 795
Pre-loss profit 33 071 22 421 10 780 36 154 26 500
Losses on loans and guarantees etc. 3 530 2 307 1 218 5 319 3 131
Loss on loans 3 406 2 182 1 122 5 224 3 110
Loss on guarantees (incl. credit losses on securities) 124 126 96 95 21
Pre-tax profit 29 541 20 114 9 561 30 835 23 369
Other profit components -10 -4 2 -1 4
Taxes on ordinary profit 8 000 5 373 2 525 8 566 6 060
Profit and loss at end of period 21 531 14 738 7 039 22 268 17 313

1Due to a merge between a finance company and a bank, the profit and loss account for the third quarter of 2010 is not comparable with earlier periods.
