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Financial corporations, quarterly profit and loss accounts
2 Finance companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts1. NOK million (cumulative)
2012:3 2012:2 2012:1 2011:4 2011:3
Interest income and similar income 6 624 4 377 2 084 8 105 6 040
Interest etc. income on loans and demands on customers and credit institutions 6 619 4 374 2 082 8 101 6 038
Interest and similar income on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing capital securities . . . . .
Other interest income 4 3 2 5 2
Interest expenses and similar expenses 2 211 1 513 777 2 843 2 051
Interest and similar expenses on deposits from and debt to customers and credit institutions 2 082 1 427 733 2 699 1 950
Interest and similar expenses on issued capital 21 13 5 22 16
Other interest expenses 107 73 39 122 85
Net interest income 4 413 2 864 1 307 5 262 3 989
Net commission income 950 408 264 1 206 885
Commission income 1 885 1 033 566 2 408 1 786
Commission costs 934 626 302 1 202 901
Net changes in value and gain/loss on securities and currency 4 -1 1 16 8
Net changes in value and gain/loss on treasury bills, government bonds and other interest-bearing sercurities . . . . .
Net changes in value and gain/loss on shares and other securities with variable return - - . - -
Net changes in value and gain/loss on currency -3 -2 -1 16 11
Net changes in value and gain/loss on other financial assets and liabilities 7 2 2 - -3
Other operating income 337 236 110 412 281
Income from shares and other securities with variable return 5 4 - 1 1
Income fromownership interest in associated companies and group companies 23 23 . . .
Other operating income (incl. gain on sale on real property) 309 209 110 411 280
Total income 8 849 5 646 2 761 10 941 8 115
Administration expenses 1 529 971 496 1 873 1 363
Wages and other personnel expenses 916 597 324 1 164 871
Other administration costs 612 374 172 709 492
Other operating costs 1 561 829 399 1 886 1 458
Depreciation and write-down 231 149 28 143 126
Other operating costs (incl. losses on sale on real property) 1 329 680 371 1 743 1 333
Total costs 6 234 3 938 1 974 7 804 5 773
Pre-loss profit 2 614 1 708 788 3 137 2 342
Losses on loans and guarantees etc. 449 367 124 517 384
Loss on loans 481 388 136 533 402
Loss on guarantees (incl. credit losses on securities) -32 -21 -11 -17 -18
Pre-tax profit 2 165 1 341 663 2 620 1 959
Other profit components . . . . .
Taxes on ordinary profit 532 341 160 691 523
Profit and loss at end of period 1 633 1 000 504 1 929 1 436

1Due to a merge between a finance company and a bank, the profit and loss account for the third quarter of 2010 is not comparable with earlier periods.
