08.04 Manufacturing, index of production

 Previous released tables. 2005
Table 1:  Index of Production . 1995=100. Monthly by division and main industrial groupings. Seasonally adjusted (07.07.2005)
Table 2:  Index of Production . 1995=100. Period numbers by division and main industrial groupings. Seasonally adjusted (07.07.2005)
Table 3:  Index of Production . 1995=100. Monthly by division and main industrial groupings. Adjusted for lenght of month (07.07.2005)
Table 4:  Index of Production . 1995=100. Period numbers by division and main industrial groupings. Adjusted for lenght of month (07.07.2005)
Table 5:  Index of Production . 1995=100. Period numbers by division and main industrial groupings. Original series (07.07.2005)
Table 6:  Index of Production . 1995=100. Monthly by division and main industrial groupings. Series adjusted for lenght of month, seasonally adjusted series and trend cycle series (07.07.2005)
Monthly Index of production. May 2005. Changes in per cent (07.07.2005)