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Central government's fiscal account revenue and expenditure, budget 2013
3 Central government fiscal account including National Insurance Scheme. Revenue and expenditure by type. Annual figures. Million kroner
  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Budget 2012 Budget 2013
A. TOTAL REVENUE 1 030 124 1 182 630 1 051 890 1 064 764 1 223 524 1 237 500 1 314 390
Sales revenue 16 237 14 974 19 821 17 816 21 513 17 586 16 728
Operating surplus, extraction of petroleum 108 817 152 576 98 285 100 257 125 820 111 400 129 000
Depreciation etc., extraction of petroleum 15 404 15 740 15 268 15 719 16 862 17 300 22 000
Depreciation etc., other central government enterprises 1 538 1 399 1 598 1 922 2 222 1 789 1 770
Other revenue from fixed capital formation 794 648 527 567 374 271 286
Total transfers 887 334 997 293 916 391 928 483 1 056 733 1 089 154 1 144 606
Tax revenue1 638 712 719 640 634 827 650 341 746 249 781 497 820 606
Members' contributions, National Insurance Scheme 75 307 84 228 90 800 91 936 102 436 101 500 110 700
Employers' contributions, National Insurance Scheme 109 990 121 721 128 089 130 416 138 542 145 200 154 500
Interest and dividends 53 582 61 627 52 495 42 659 56 436 53 665 50 681
Transfers from other state accounts 1 390 982 301 906 353 324 189
Transfers from municipalities and county municipalities 709 764 867 846 855 900 929
Transfers from the Central Bank .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Other transfers 7 644 8 331 9 012 11 379 11 862 6 068 7 001
B. TOTAL EXPENDITURE 715 078 778 561 868 653 892 881 952 122 1 006 055 1 064 869
Operating expenses 106 058 114 725 126 472 129 579 139 589 148 712 157 823
Wages and salaries 53 321 57 509 61 132 64 285 68 957 69 795 71 144
Goods and services2 31 873 33 394 36 388 38 038 42 180 50 385 55 747
Other operating expenses 21 786 24 815 30 146 28 657 28 445 28 914 30 953
Operating deficit, central government enterprises -922 -993 -1 194 -1 401 7 -382 -21
Total gross fixed capital formation 41 847 45 276 50 980 44 431 47 153 54 158 62 547
Gross fixed capital formation, extraction of petroleum 19 951 19 998 23 597 18 470 21 437 25 000 28 000
Gross fixed capital formation, other central government enterprises 1 079 1 408 1 861 2 147 2 623 2 566 1 860
Other fixed capital formation 20 817 23 870 25 522 23 814 23 093 26 592 32 687
Total transfers 567 173 618 560 691 201 718 871 765 380 803 185 844 499
Transfers to other state accounts 33 227 36 410 39 563 39 148 40 833 42 385 44 930
Transfers to municipalities and county municipalities 104 918 114 669 133 136 143 889 164 571 178 292 188 139
Pensions and benefits, National Insurance Scheme 246 978 264 954 291 670 308 916 328 913 349 211 369 046
Interest expenditure 16 055 17 694 20 236 19 939 17 207 14 888 12 800
Other transfers 165 995 184 833 206 596 206 979 213 856 218 409 229 584
C. SURPLUS BEFORE NET TRANSFERS TO THE GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND - GLOBAL3 315 046 404 069 183 237 171 883 271 402 231 445 249 521
D. NET TRANSFERS TO THE GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND - GLOBAL3 313 580 407 496 172 573 166 601 266 646 231 443 249 522
E=C-D. SURPLUS BEFORE FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS 1 466 -3 427 10 664 5 282 4 756 2 -1
F. LENDING MINUS REPAYMENTS 31 245 22 171 142 038 43 290 22 231 -57 863 58 177
G. DEBT INSTALMENTS 29 649 - 44 951 - 46 150 - 66 544
H=F+G-E. GROSS FINANCING, INCLUDING DEBT INSTALMENTS 59 428 25 598 176 325 38 008 63 625 -57 865 124 722