Statistics Norway

44 Average term of imprisonment and amount of fine, by type of sanction and principal offence. 20091
Type of principal offence On the spot fine Ticket fine Fine Conditional imprisonment Conditional imprisonment and fine Unconditional imprisonment Unconditional and conditional imprisonment
Conditional imprisonment Fine Unconditional imprisonment Conditional imprisonment
  NOK Days NOK Days
All types of offences 2 682 6 402 8 263 52 28 12 119  166  124  109
Crimes - 5 723 9 743 54 34 6 949  231  127  110
Crime against the Penal Code - 6 027 9 825 56 33 6 213  241  131  113
Crime against the public authorities - 7 000 10 000 32 28 5 979 53 75 62
Assaulting public servant - - - 28 28 5 974 47 71 57
Other - 7 000 10 000 47 27 6 000 92  112  117
Crime against public order and peace - 5 500 6 000 21 38 7 000 49 83 45
Discrimination owing to rase - - - - - - - - -
Housebreaking and burglary - 5 367 5 000 21 38 7 000 49 83 45
Other - 6 583 7 000 - - - - - -
Crime involving public danger - 4 871 6 400 56 30 5 967  479  162  149
Arson - - - - - -  864  360  720
Unintentionally causing fire - 5 000 - - - -  140  110 90
Crime of narcotics - 4 902 6 476 40 30 5 933 62 57 61
Serious crime of narcotics - - -  390 30 3 000 1 103  309  269
Other - 4 370 4 333  120 20 12 625 -  150 90
Perjury and false evidence - 6 556 2 000 38 30 6 733 42 34 44
False accusation - 7 667 - 68 43 6 500 83 98  115
Counterfeiting - - -  339 60 5 000 90  105  375
Forgery - 6 524 7 542 34 40 7 134 69 92 72
Sexual crime - 8 166 8 208  121 44 7 890  676  171  213
Rape - - - - - - 1 278  324  371
Attempted rape - - - - - -  810  225  240
Incest - - - 40 - -  240 - -
Sexual intercourse with children under 10 years of age - - -  390 - -  964  180  540
Sexuall intercourse with children under 14 years of age - - -  520 - - 1 107  309  428
Sexual intercourse with children under 16 years of age - - - 58 70 7 667  189 92  105
Other sexual intercourse - - - - - -  287 80 90
Pornography - 8 929 6 000 96 50 7 800  140 42 66
Other - 8 146 8 409 54 37 7 978  154 81 58
Crime concerning family relations - 8 750 - 46 80 7 000  261  109 77
Crime against the personal liberty - 7 031 7 143 48 41 6 855  147 89 90
Crime of violence against the person1 - 7 014 7 305 45 32 6 893  206 96 80
Assault1 - 6 992 7 299 34 31 6 736 54 47 51
Wounding or inflicting bodily harm - 7 813 8 000 80 40 5 400  157  108 82
Inflicting grievous bodily harm - - - - - - 1 440  180 90
Attempted murder - - - - - - 1 488  540  900
Murder - - - - - - 3 725 - -
Manslaughter - - -  117 60 10 000  386  168  216
Other - 20 000 - 45 40 11 950 41 22 23
Slander and libel - 10 000 4 000 - - - - - -
Embezzlement - 5 925 4 500 37 29 5 467 92  100  122
Larceny - 5 694 6 694 61 37 5 261  129  131 93
Simple and minor larceny - 5 590 6 390 45 32 5 080 78 80 67
Aggravated larceny - 6 273 9 000 82 43 4 804  154  157  106
Theft of motor vehicle - 6 445 7 333 51 36 6 287  108 89 70
Blackmail and robbery - 7 000 -  219  240 3 000  425  272  192
Blackmail - 7 000 - - - -  322 35  190
Robbery - - -  219  240 3 000  266  256  177
Aggravated robbery - - - - - -  670  337  223
Blackmail and robbery, various - - - - - -  210 45 75
Fraud and breach of trust - 6 552 90 308 47 32 7 617  120 98 90
Crime in connection with debts -  152 364 - 60 29 7 500 30  300  210
Crime inflicting damage to property - 5 281 6 803 78 29 5 564  181  146  110
Inflicting slight damage - 5 251 6 803 67 29 5 447 86  107 97
Inflicting serious damage - 7 714 -  143 36 10 000  383  205  130
Breach of trade secrets etc. - - - - - - - - -
Receiving stolen goods, subsequent assistance to the offender - 6 357 6 938 59 37 5 397  141  121 83
Receiving stolen goods - 6 473 7 068 51 37 5 470  109  113 70
Aggravated receiving stolen goods - - -  141 38 3 000  326  160  121
Other - 5 349 5 500 - 29 7 000 25  120  180
Other crime against the Penal Code1 - 7 125 6 000 - - - 24  360  180
Crime against Act relating to medicinal goods etc. - 3 442 4 909 40 27 11 204 38 46 52
Use of narcotics - 3 333 4 442 25 27 11 631 38 45 51
Possession of narcotics - 3 595 5 171 25 26 8 643 36 60 60
Other crime in connection with narcotics - 3 889 20 000  150 - - - - -
Crime against Act relating to value added tax - 13 750 - 90 53 33 000  378  111 81
Crime against the Assessment Act - 17 121 29 500 30 38 29 455  139 85 71
Crime against the Duty Act - 19 952 -  100 30 10 056 37 41  162
Crime against the Alcohol legislation - 4 000 - - - - - - -
Crime against other acts - 16 468 16 369 29 46 10 810 56 42 60
Misdemeanours 2 682 6 666 7 859 33 23 16 378 28 39 52
Misdemeanour against the Penal Code - 5 208 7 385 32 26 6 853 53 46  101
Misdemeanour inflicting damage to property - 3 678 - - - - - - -
Petty larceny - 2 432 3 162 27 21 4 000 -  150 90
Misdemeanour against public order and peace - 6 332 7 924 30 20 6 100 47 45 60
Telephone harassment - 5 024 5 844 18 53 8 500 - 15 45
Other - 8 504 7 913 35 24 7 222 55 38  117
Traffic misdemeanour 2 807 6 140 8 033 35 23 16 731 28 38 36
Driving under influence of alcohol - 8 399 13 574 51 25 20 316 30 31 32
Other 2 807 6 099 7 616 26 19 9 175 24 64 55
Misdemeanour against the Act of vagrancy - 8 000 4 000 - - - - - -
Misdemeanour against the Police regulations - 4 898 6 917 - 30 5 000 - - -
Misdemeanour against Act relating to value added tax - 17 921 16 000 - - - - - -
Misdemeanour against the Duty Act  888 9 942 13 759 29 23 9 132 23 45 30
Misdemeanour against the Alcohol legislation - 2 951 5 257 21 29 6 750 44 - -
Misdemeanour against the Work Environment Act - 93 370 40 000 - - - - - -
Misdemeanour against other acts - 15 169 7 396 30 23 10 141 27 31 34
1  Corrected 19 december 2011.

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