26 Employees with more than 3 days ongoing sickness absence certified by a doctor. By industry and duration of absence 1. Per cent. Quarterly figures.2 |
Quarter and industry | Employees more than 3 days |
more than 3 days |
4-16 days | 17-28 days | 5-8 weeks | 9-14 weeks | 15-20 weeks | 21-26 weeks | more than 26 weeks |
Quarter 2 2002 | 106 153 | 100 | 10,4 | 7,6 | 14,4 | 16,0 | 12,2 | 11,1 | 28,5 |
01-05 Agriculture,fishing and forestry | 878 | 100 | 9,9 | 9,0 | 14,0 | 14,9 | 9,9 | 10,3 | 32,0 |
11 Oil and gas extraction | 934 | 100 | 16,7 | 12,4 | 16,3 | 16,7 | 11,2 | 7,7 | 19,0 |
10,12-37 Manufacturing and mining | 15 256 | 100 | 12,2 | 8,2 | 14,6 | 15,8 | 11,5 | 10,2 | 27,5 |
40-41 Electricity, gas and water supply | 657 | 100 | 11,6 | 10,5 | 14,0 | 17,2 | 12,0 | 9,4 | 25,3 |
45 Construction | 7 181 | 100 | 11,0 | 8,2 | 14,1 | 14,8 | 12,5 | 11,0 | 28,4 |
50-55 Domestic trade, hotels, rest. | 18 493 | 100 | 10,0 | 7,2 | 14,9 | 16,4 | 12,0 | 11,2 | 28,3 |
60-64 Transport and communication | 8 240 | 100 | 11,5 | 7,9 | 14,6 | 16,7 | 11,9 | 10,2 | 27,2 |
65-67 Financial intermediation | 1 909 | 100 | 11,7 | 8,7 | 15,0 | 15,5 | 11,8 | 10,3 | 26,9 |
70-74 Real estate, business act. | 8 958 | 100 | 10,4 | 7,5 | 15,1 | 17,3 | 12,6 | 11,0 | 26,0 |
75 Public administration | 6 906 | 100 | 11,0 | 7,9 | 15,1 | 15,7 | 11,9 | 11,3 | 27,0 |
80 Education | 8 087 | 100 | 6,0 | 5,7 | 12,3 | 14,3 | 11,2 | 11,3 | 39,2 |
85 Health and social work | 24 924 | 100 | 10,0 | 7,5 | 13,8 | 16,0 | 13,1 | 11,8 | 27,7 |
90-99 Services n.e.c. | 3 686 | 100 | 9,3 | 6,7 | 14,5 | 16,5 | 11,6 | 12,5 | 28,9 |
00 Not reported | 44 | 100 | 11,4 | 15,9 | 11,4 | 9,1 | 18,2 | 9,1 | 25,0 |
Quarter 2 2001 | 101 339 | 100 | 11,6 | 7,9 | 14,9 | 15,1 | 12,1 | 11,1 | 27,4 |
01-05 Agriculture,fishing and forestry | 909 | 100 | 10,9 | 5,8 | 16,4 | 13,1 | 12,4 | 9,9 | 31,5 |
11 Oil and gas extraction | 848 | 100 | 14,9 | 12,1 | 18,5 | 16,6 | 9,7 | 8,5 | 19,7 |
10,12-37 Manufacturing and mining | 14 595 | 100 | 13,5 | 8,8 | 14,7 | 14,4 | 11,3 | 10,6 | 26,7 |
40-41 Electricity, gas and water supply | 664 | 100 | 14,5 | 10,1 | 17,0 | 14,6 | 9,0 | 11,0 | 23,8 |
45 Construction | 6 734 | 100 | 11,9 | 7,8 | 15,5 | 14,3 | 12,4 | 10,8 | 27,3 |
50-55 Domestic trade, hotels, rest. | 17 862 | 100 | 11,0 | 7,7 | 15,0 | 16,0 | 12,3 | 10,6 | 27,4 |
60-64 Transport and communication | 8 131 | 100 | 12,3 | 8,1 | 16,0 | 14,8 | 11,7 | 10,7 | 26,4 |
65-67 Financial intermediation | 1 840 | 100 | 13,2 | 7,4 | 14,6 | 14,9 | 12,8 | 10,2 | 27,0 |
70-74 Real estate, business act. | 8 236 | 100 | 12,2 | 8,2 | 15,9 | 16,2 | 12,8 | 11,1 | 23,5 |
75 Public administration | 6 854 | 100 | 13,3 | 8,2 | 15,3 | 14,4 | 11,5 | 11,1 | 26,1 |
80 Education | 7 643 | 100 | 6,7 | 5,8 | 12,8 | 13,6 | 10,9 | 12,9 | 37,4 |
85 Health and social work | 23 337 | 100 | 11,3 | 7,7 | 14,4 | 15,3 | 12,9 | 11,3 | 27,1 |
90-99 Services n.e.c. | 3 576 | 100 | 10,9 | 7,2 | 15,9 | 15,4 | 11,2 | 11,8 | 27,6 |
00 Not reported | 110 | 100 | 14,5 | 15,5 | 12,7 | 14,5 | 11,8 | 13,6 | 17,3 |
1 The table shows duration for sickness absence ongoing by the end of the quarter. Prolongations of the sickness absence certificates beyond this period are not counted. This leads to a systematically lower reporting of duration compared to measuring the duration for terminated sickness absence cases. |
2 Figures are revised because of the selection of new date of reference. Date of reference is now tuesday before the last wednesday in the quarter, instead of the last day in the quarter. |