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External trade with goods 2004
39 Exports of natural gas condensates 2002-2004 by country
  Naturlige gasskondensater Natural gas condensate
2002 2003 2004
1000 SM3 1000 SM3 Mill. kroner NOK million 1000 SM3 1000 SM3 Mill. kroner NOK million 1000 SM3 1000 SM3 Mill. kroner NOK million
I alt Total 5 879 7 051 8 346 10 580 7 296 9 953
Belgia Belgium 422 489 943 1 173 48 67
Brasil Brasil 87 132    
Danmark Denmark 1 534 1 990 1 539 1 992 1 423 1 821
Finland Finland 183 241 335 405 274 442
Nederland Netherlands 1 585 1 842 2 027 2 456 2 553 3 175
Polen Poland 30 40        
Storbritannia United Kingdom 163 186 524 665 101 130
Sør-Afrika South Africa 52 79    
Tyskland Germany 176 209 398 494 315 403
USA USA 1 784 2 054 2 441 3 185 2 582 3 916