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External trade with goods 2004
43 Deliveries of NGL components 1) from Teesside and Sullom Voe by country. 2000-2004. 1 000 tonnes
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
I alt Total 518 573  651 587 593
Norge Norway 180 126  162 154 181
Danmark Denmark 1 - 2 -
Island Iceland 13 - - 0
Italia Italy - 21 - -
Sverige Sweden 25 15  19 9 3
Belgia Belgium 29 59  31 12 25
Frankrike France 44 89  120 66 85
Irland Ireland - 1 2 12
Finland Finland - 16 29 13
Nederland Netherlands 10 4 12 29
Polen Poland 3 14  13 12 20
Portugal Portugal 77 98  101 76 63
Spania Spain 25 11  35 51 7
Storbritannia United Kingdom 76 87  55 49 88
Tyrkia Turkey 7 16  13 27 -
Tyskland Germany 13 13  9 21 22
Land i Afrika Countries in Africa 2 10  17 12 28
Land i Asia Countries in Asia 7 6 - -
Land i Nord-Amerika Countries in North America 3 15  15 45 2
Land i Sør-Amerika Countries in South America - 6 - 13
Ukjent bestemmelsesland Unknown country of destination 4 4 0 10 -