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42 Deliveries of stabilised crude oil from Teesside and Sullom Voe 1) by country. 2001-2005. 1 000 tonnes
  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
I alt Total 23 163 23 970 23 298 23 393 23 494
Danmark Denmark 10 - - - -
Finland Finland 97 0 - - -
Sverige Sweden 177 529 802 435 166
Belgia Belgium 274 84 370 - 0
Frankrike France 5 825 4 127 4 473 3 814 3 984
Irland Ireland - 250 213 - 157
Italia Italy 307 65 352 217 2
Nederland Netherlands 1 716 1 090 1 163 1 258 506
Polen Poland - 0 - - 2
Portugal Portugal 2 91 170 - -
Spania Spain 360 707 432 181 8
Storbritannia United Kingdom 10 032 10 691 10 076 12 927 13 293
Tyskland Germany 2 466 2 811 2 058 1 477 1 150
Canada Canada 135 276 - 52 134
USA USA 1 818 3 251 3 188 2 812 3 099
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - 0 - 215 156
Kina China 1 1 - - -
Martinique Martinique - - - - 73
Ukjent bestemmelsesland Unknown country of destination - - - 4 -