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External trade in commodities, yearly series
33. Exports of ICT-goods. 1) 2003-2008. NOK million.
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
TOTAL 10 577 11 347 12 118 14 123 15 341 18 080
Telecommunications equipment 3 451 4 378 4 395 4 573 4 543 5 255
Other ICT goods 3 005 3 107 3 471 4 208 5 507 6 292
Electronical components 1 726 1 613 1 948 2 583 2 801 3 942
Computer and related equipment 1 850 1 613 1 594 2 046 1 799 1 899
Audio and video equipment 545 635 709 714 691 693