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External trade in commodities, yearly series
35. Imports from countries entitled to preferential treatment. 2003 - 2008. NOK million. Degree of utilization of preferential treatment. Per cent
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Developing countries 1)            
Total 37 502 43 685 52 454 52 466 61 007 71 269
Skip og oljeplattformer Ships and oil platforms 3 087 1 685 2 278 843 1 338 2 020
Tradisjonelle varer Traditional goods 34 415 42 000 50 176 51 623 59 669 69 249
Land med GSP-avtale Countries in GSP-agreement            
I alt Total 33 834 39 464 46 843 55 729 57 342 66 033
Skip og oljeplattformer Ships and oil platforms 1 607 1 584 1 968 3 598 1 049 1 990
Tollpliktig import Dutiable imports 5 919 6 661 7 464 8 507 9 080 10 049
Kan få GSP behandling Eligible for GSP-treatment 3 824 4 047 4 770 5 570 6 020 7 208
Prosent av tollpliktig import Per cent of dutiable imports 65 61 64 65 66 69
Fått GSP behandling GSP-treatment effected 3 045 3 169 3 813 4 275 4 723 5 290
Prosent av tollpliktig import Per cent of dutiable imports 51 48 51 50 52 50
GSP utnyttelsesgrad, prosent GSP, degree of utilization, per cent 80 78 80 77 78 73
Minst utviklede land (MUL) Least developed countries (LDC)2)            
I alt Total 1 744 2 063 2 976 3 747 4 835 6 483
Skip og oljeplattformer Ships and oil platforms 38 180 0 116 333 -
Tollpliktig import Dutiable imports 490 571 594 660 707 949
Kan få GSP behandling Eligible for GSP-treatment 490 571 594 660 707 949
Prosent av tollpliktig import Per cent of dutiable imports 100 100 100 100 100 100
Fått GSP behandling GSP-treatment effected 388 465 490 532 607 817
Prosent av tollpliktig import Per cent of dutiable imports 79 82 83 81 86 84
GSP utnyttelsesgrad, prosent GSP, degree of utilization, per cent 80 82 82 81 86 84
Memo: Total imports, goods excluding ships and oil platforms 277 360 320 325 350 914 405 127 460 656 484 310