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Securities broking enterprises
2 Securities broking enterprises. Balance sheet. Per 31. December. Million kroner1
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Intangible assets 256 358 229 284 323
Tangible fixed assets2 299 221 143 99 112
Capital assets 157 316 281 275 268
Investments in subsiduaries 64 203 151 182 180
Shares and primary capital sertificates 26 16 26 7 10
Shares in securities funds 2 1 1 3 3
Bonds 7 .. .. .. ..
Claims on subsiduaries 23 12 11 28 9
Other capital assets 35 83 92 55 65
Short term claims 5 735 8 108 10 179 6 131 10 954
Accounts receivables3 2 735 4 059 4 651 3 241 5 723
Claims on securities broking enterprises 1 111 1 302 1 252 1 132 2 231
Claims on subsiduaries 1 237 485 861 602 1 107
Other short term claims 652 2 263 3 416 1 156 1 893
Short-term investments 1 680 397 426 1 236 2 490
Shares and primary capital sertificates 1 152 184 131 486 947
Shares in securities funds 10 17 13 287 281
Bonds 416 28 73 120 128
Certificates etc. 66 167 213 318 1 143
Financial derivatives 36 .. -4 24 -9
Bank deposits 2 245 2 010 1 962 2 221 3 490
The Central Bank of Norway 0 .. 0 0 0
Banks 1 949 1 619 1 887 2 200 3 434
Foreign banks 295 391 75 20 56
Cash 21 20 0 0 1
Total assets 10 393 11 430 13 220 10 247 17 639
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 1 840 2 246 2 095 2 012 2 814
Deposit capital 1 455 1 847 1 395 1 187 1 360
Share capital 900 1 123 1 034 806 858
Other deposit capital4 555 725 361 381 502
Retained earnings 385 398 700 825 1 454
Revaluation reserve 21 3 -12 0 ..
Other equity 364 396 712 825 1 454
Provisions for charges5 130 211 139 90 95
Other long-term liabilities 92 156 431 108 205
Bonds .. .. 10 .. ..
Debt to creditinstitutions 14 11 294 24 5
Debt to subsidiaries .. .. .. .. 1
Other long-term liablities 5 78 145 126 84 199
Short-term liabilities 8 331 8 817 10 555 8 037 14 525
Certificates .. .. .. .. ..
Debt to cerditinstitutions 231 318 180 83 671
617 916 1 247 1 278 1 633
Debt to customers 2 108 3 657 3 804 2 091 4 686
Tax etc. 404 265 208 321 667
Dividends 6 .. 297 248 437 714
Debt to subsiduaries 3 021 2 558 3 233 1 848 3 141
Other short-term liablities 7 1 951 807 1 634 1 980 3 014
Total liabilities and equity 10 393 11 430 13 220 10 247 17 639
Number of enterprises 78 76 72 63 59

1Numbers as from 1999 are not comparable with earlier numbers due to a new law for accounting from 01.01.1999.
2Before 1999, this item also included intangible assets.
3Before 1999, this item included assets on other securities broking enterprises.
4Revaluation reserve was included in Other equity before 1999.
5Before 1999 are provisions for charges put equal to delayed taxes. Other charges are included in other long-term lialbilities, which also includes bearer bonds up to 1998.
6This item is new from 2002.
7Before 1999 this item included debt to customers.
