Statistics Norway

2 Stocks of shares registered with the VPS1, by holding sector. Market value. NOK million
  Listed shares. 1 quarter 2012 Unlisted shares. 1 quarter 2012
Total 1 638 693  422 781
Non-financial corporations  190 480  204 621
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government - -
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government 11 888 2 389
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government 2 -
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government 1 208 2 253
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises  175 615  199 357
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises 99  312
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises 1 668  310
Financial corporations  172 096 92 084
Norges Bank - 8
Banks 7 865 22 851
Mortgage companies - -
Finance companies 17 -
State lending institutions etc. 43  715
Financial holding companies 21 216 37 131
Mutual funds 87 252 1 093
Investment trusts and private equity funds  851 5 156
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds 25 148 21 067
Life insurance companies and pension funds 23 641 3 878
Non-life insurance companies 6 063  185
General government  600 362 2 238
Central government and social security funds  593 701  659
Local government 6 661 1 579
Non-profit institutions serving households 17 933 2 527
Households 60 468 29 036
Unincorporated enterprises within households 32 39
Housing cooperatives etc. - 1
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc. 60 436 28 996
Rest of the world  597 135 92 106
Unspecified sector  219  169
1  The Norwegian Central Securities Depository.

Explanation of symbols