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Weekly Bulletin is.20-21, 1996

Little price difference between private and public kindergartens in major cities

A family with a gross income of NOK 375,000 (USD 60,000) and one child in day care saves little by choosing a public child care facility over a privately operated kindergarten in Oslo, Bergen Trondheim and Bodø.

It used to be cheaper for families to get their children into a public kindergarten run by the local council (municipality). Four years ago the cost for one child in private day-care was on average eight per cent higher compared to municipal kindergartens. Since January 1992 the municipal rates for a family with a gross income of NOK 375,000 increased by an average of 14 per cent, compared to seven per cent for private day-care centres. As a result, the rates are now almost equal.

New statistics

Parental kindergarten payments, 1st half 1996.
A report on the rates paid for full-day care in municipal and private kindergartens. The survey is carried out for the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs. The statistics are published in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics in May and December each year. More information: Morten Sundell, tel. +47 21 09 47 30, e-mail: msu@ssb.no and Lasse Sandberg, tel. +47 21 09 47 16, e-mail: san@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin is.20-21, 1996