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Weekly Bulletin is. 22, 1996

Population statistics, population by sex and age, 1 January 1996:

Norway's population reaches 4,370,000

At the turn of the year, a total of 4,370,000 persons were living in Norway. This is 21,500 or 0.5 per cent more compared to the previous turn of the year. Nearly half are unmarried, an increase of 23,900 compared to the previous year.

At the beginning of 1996 half of Norway's population were between the ages of 20 and 54, while persons under 20 and over 54 each made up a quarter.

The number of divorced persons increased by 10,100, while the number of married persons sank by 12,500. The number of widows and widowers rose slightly in 1995, and altogether there are now four times as many widows as widowers.

New statistics

Population Statistics. Population by sex and age, 1 January 1996.
Statistics are published every year in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Population Statistics Volume II and Regional Statistics. More information: Kirsten Enger Dybendal, tel. +47 62 88 52 96, e-mail: kie@ssb.no or Kåre Høiby, tel. +47 62 88 52 97, e-mail: krh@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin is. 22, 1996