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Weekly Bulletin is. 22, 1996

Higher share of industrial production exported

Manufacturing and mining concerns exported 38 per cent of their production of goods in 1994, while 24 per cent was delivered within the home county and 38 per cent to other parts of the country. The export share was 11 percentage points higher compared to the corresponding figure for 1986, with Vest-Agder County posting the highest export share.

Among the industrial sectors, the metal-working industry had the highest export share in 1994, with 85 per cent. It was followed by the chemical raw materials, transport equipment, fish products, and mining and quarrying industries, all with export shares over 60 per cent. Publishing and printing operations and the food, beverage and tobacco industry (with the exception of fish products) have the strongest local association, with respectively 58 and 42 per cent of deliveries going to the home county.

New statistics

Regional distribution of sales of industrial goods and deliveries of raw materials, 1994.
Statistics are published in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. More information: Kenneth Årdalen, tel. +47 21 09 44 20, e-mail: ked@ssb.no or Jan Stensrud, tel. +47 21 09 47 60, e-mail, jas@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin is. 22, 1996