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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 13, 1997

Six-year-olds in daycare and educational programmes for six-year-olds, 1996. Preliminary figures:

Nearly 58,000 six-year-olds have a place in daycare or educational programmes

Preliminary figures show that barely 57,700 six-year-olds in Norway had a place in a daycare facility or were covered by an educational programme at the end of 1996. This is an increase of nearly 2,600 children in comparison to 1995.
Looking at educational programmes for six-year-olds and daycare facilities separately, the number of six-year-olds covered by educational programmes increased by almost 4,900, while nearly 2,300 fewer six-year-olds went to daycare compared to 1995.

On a national basis, scarcely 56 per cent of six-year-olds in daycare or school had a full-day place equivalent to 31 or more hours per week. Oslo ranked first with 87 per cent, followed by Troms with nearly 74 per cent. At the bottom of the list were Vest-Agder and Oppland, where respectively 31 and 29 per cent of six-year-olds spent 31 or more hours in daycare or school.

New Statistics

Six-year-olds in daycare and educational programmes for six-year-olds, 1996. Preliminary figures.
Statistics are issued annually in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and in the Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Child Care Institutions and Educational Programmes for 6 year olds. More information: Thorstein Ouren, tel. +47 62 88 52 71, e-mail: tou@ssb.no or Mona Paulsrud, tel. +47 62 88 52 73, e-mail: mpa@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 13, 1997