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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 39, 1997 <sti>Stikktittel

Population statistics. Marriages and registered partnerships, 1996:

More marriages among divorced persons

A total of 23,200 marriages were entered into in 1996, the highest number since the end of the 1970s. Remarriage is far more common than before, and 28 per cent of all marriages in 1996 were between couples in which one or both were divorced. At the end of the 1970s the corresponding share was 17 per cent.
The number of marriages dropped to 19,300 in 1992, but has been rising every year since then. Among first-time marriages, the marriage rate has risen the most in recent years among persons over the age of 29, and is sinking steadily in the under 25 age group. The increase in the older age groups in recent years could be an indication that many couples decide to get married when they get older. Among divorced people the marriage rate increased in most age groups from 1995 to 1996, while there were small changes in 1991-95. Among people under 35 the marriage rate for first-time marriages is substantially lower now compared to the end of the 1970s.

New Statistics

Population statistics. Marriages and registered partnerships, 1996.
Statistics are published in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics, Current Population Data and the Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Population Statistics Vol. III. More information: Kirsten Enger Dybendal, tel. +47 62 88 52 96, e-mail: kie@ssb.no or Kåre Høiby, tel. +47 62 88 52 97, e-mail: krh@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 39, 1997