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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 46, 1997 <sti>Stikktittel

Tax statistics, 1996. Preliminary figures:

30,000 more have to pay surtax

The number of taxpayers required to pay surtax in 1996 increased by 30,000 compared to 1995, preliminary figures show.
Overall personal income (the basis of the surtax) amounted to NOK 562 billion in 1996 and the number of people required to pay surtax on higher incomes is steadily increasing. In 1995, 830,000 persons aged 17 and up paid surtax on their personal income. In 1996, a further 30,000 persons were assessed the tax on gross earnings. Combined surtax before deductions and depreciation totalled just under NOK 11 billion in 1996, while membership fees for social security totalled NOK 39 billion.

NOK 155 billion in assessed taxes

Total assessed taxes for personal taxpayers amounted to nearly NOK 155 billion in taxes in 1996. This is a nominal increase of 8.6 per cent from the year before. There has been relatively stable growth in assessed taxes for personal taxpayers in recent years.

In 1995, personal taxpayers were assessed a total of NOK 143 billion, a nominal increase of 7.3 per cent from the year before. The comparative change for 1993 to 1994 was 7.1 per cent.

8 per cent increase in income

Ordinary income (after special tax allowances) forms the basis for calculating the income tax paid to municipalities and counties and the contribution to the state Tax Equalization Fund. In 1996 personal taxpayers had altogether NOK 464 billion in ordinary income, an increase of nearly eight per cent from the year before. Aggregate gross income tax (before deductions and depreciation) paid to municipalities and counties totalled NOK 72 billion in 1996. The comparative figure for the contribution to the state Tax Equalization Fund was NOK 36 billion.

Many have high net worth

The net worth of personal taxpayers amounted to NOK 547 billion in 1996. An overview of persons aged 17 and up using the net assets scale shows that 270,000 persons had taxable assets of NOK 500,000 and higher in 1996. Out of that number 22,000 persons had net assets of more than NOK 2 million. Around NOK 4.2 billion in net wealth taxes was assessed for municipalities. The state net wealth tax amounted to around NOK 1.5 billion that year.

New Statistics

Tax statistics, 1996. Preliminary figures.
Final tax figures for 1996 will be published in the course of 1st quarter 1998. More information: Mads Ivar Kirkeberg, tel. +47 62 88 52 45, e-mail: mik@ssb.no, or Ingunn Helde, tel. +47 62 88 51 83, e-mail: ihe@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 46, 1997