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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 47, 1997

Population statistics. Population 1 October 1997 and population changes in the 3rd quarter:

Population increases by 20,100 so far this year

Norway’s population increased 8,750 in the 3rd quarter, reaching 4,413,800 persons on 1 October. The population has increased by 20,100 so far this year as the result of a net natural increase of 12,800 and net immigration of 7,300.
All counties except for Oppland and the counties from Nord-Trøndelag and northwards saw their populations increase in the third quarter. The population of the four northernmost counties dropped 1,700.

Migration from the north is still increasing. Counties from Hordaland and northwards lost population to the rest of the country in the third quarter. Overall migration loss to other counties for the four northernmost counties was 2,850 in the third quarter. The figures for the same periods in 1996 and 1995 were 2,200 and 1,800, respectively. Akershus had the largest domestic migration gain, with 1,500 more people moving into the county than moved out.

New Statistics

Population statistics. Population 1 October 1997 and population changes in the 3rd quarter.
Statistics are published every quarter in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics and the Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Regional Statistics. More information: Kirsten Enger Dybendal, tel. +47 62 88 52 96, e-mail: kie@ssb.no or Kåre Høiby, tel. +47 62 88 52 97, e-mail: krh@ssb.no.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 47, 1997