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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 5, 1998 <sti>Stikktittel

First name statistics, 1997:

Ingrid and Andreas top the list

Andreas and Ingrid were the most popular names last year. Both have been in the lead for a long time. The year's surprise was Markus or Marcus, which climbed from eleventh to second place. However, Julie, the most popular name in 1996, fell back four places.
With few exceptions, the most-used names in 1997 are the same as those that have been leading the statistics for years. Andreas has been among the five most-used first names ten years in a row. The four boy's names Andreas, Kristian, Martin and Kristoffer have shared the top four placings five years now. Ingrid, too, is continuing its popularity surge; from fifth place in 1996, Ingrid has now topped Ida. The year's second surprise was Thomas. After a steady decline for several years, Thomas rebounded to number six in 1997.

New statistics

First name statistics, 1997
Statistics are published every year in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. They are based on 60,552 names of new-borns reported to registration offices in 1997. For more information, contact: Jørgen Ouren, tel. +47 21 09 48 05, e-mail:Feil! Fant ikke referansekilden. jou@ssb.no.

More details on name statistics for 1997 are available on our web pages at http://Feil! Fant ikke referansekilden. under "Sundry."

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 5, 1998