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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 40, 1998 <sti>Stikktittel

Hotel statistics, August 1998:

Big increase for hotels

The number of overnight stays by foreigners increased by 10 per cent in August this year compared to August last year, rising from 805,000 to 883,000 overnight stays. Including the five per cent increase in the domestic market, business increased seven per cent overall, from 1.90 to 2.03 million overnight stays.
All of the major overseas markets showed increases. Among others, the number of German overnight stays rose by seven per cent, from 190,000 overnight stays in August 1997 to 203,000 in August 1998. This number is the third highest number ever recorded, and is only surpassed by the peak years of 1993 and 1994.

Other bright spots in the major foreign markets were the British and above all the Dutch, whose business is the highest ever registered.

New Statistics
Hotel statistics, August 1998.
The statistics are published monthly in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. For more information, contact: Arild.Krogh@ssb.no, tel. +47 62 88 54 23, or Tom.Granseth@ssb.no, tel. +47 62 88 54 06.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 40, 1998